primary school students happy with new room

primary school students happy with new room



themed pages

themed pages

These pages summarize articles and materials on topics that drive people to Nürtingen and the surrounding area. They are currently available on the topic of Grosser Forest, Freight Yard, Planned Biogas Plant, Worth area, Teufelsbrücke, Stuttgart 21, Melchior area and refuge. The dossier contains extensive collections of articles, photo series, maps and plans, links and interactive graphics.

Click here for topic pages…

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calendar of Events

calendar of Events

Calendar for Nürtingen and the region. All events at a glance!



advertising service

advertising service

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reader service

reader service

About all your special offers – you can find all the information here!

Abocard – Your Benefits With One Card!


photo series

Citymarketing Nürtingen once again invited you to a long night of shopping last Friday evening. A colorful mix of culinary arts, music and colorful lights fill the Nürtingen pedestrian area and the old town. Clown Clikush play their part at Schillerplatz, the “Louisiana Funky Butts Brass Band” playing hits of the past 30 years in the town church. The old town lit up with white lanterns. Shops everywhere invited people to shop until midnight, and stalls stocked with delicious food and drink provided a special feel-good experience. Photos: Jurgen Holzworth

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advance ticket sales

advance ticket sales

Music, theatre, concerts and many other events. Order now online or by phone.


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More from Leroy Newman
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