ProSieben kicks Helena the First out of TV show

ProSieben kicks Helena the First out of TV show

Finally, the people responsible intervene. “For the safety of everyone involved, production was interrupted” was shown to the audience and explained: “For Helena First, time ran out at camp that night.” The broadcaster pulled the record and briefly kicked the troublemaker out of the show, which had already been shut down. However, as the situation is presented in the episode, Helena the First doesn’t want to let it sit on her own. She spoke for herself on Instagram.

“Dragged Through the Dirt Again”

“Important scenes were cut before I attack others for no reason,” claims the former jungle camper. His confession, the so-called “shame round”, and the reactions of others would disappear. “It got turbulent, I fell asleep. The gate was slammed and you can see small bits of what happened. In the end, all the celebrities probably went out. I was sitting there alone and then walked by a production worker. Was asked for,” she says given the situation.

He then asked the broadcaster to cut back the missing scenes, but was turned down. “Today my middleman was told that I don’t look good there anymore and that’s why they don’t show it,” says First. To him, however, it is clear that he is “being dragged through the dirt again”. Therefore “only public reform” remains for him. At T-Online’s request, ProSieben has yet to comment on the allegations.

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