PS5 upgrade only available on more expensive versions of the game • JPGAMES.DE

PS5 upgrade only available on more expensive versions of the game • JPGAMES.DE

There was a little confusion today about the PS5 upgrade Horizon Forbidden West. Sony uses weird terms like “Cross-Gen Digital Deluxe Edition” or “Dual Entitlement” on the PlayStation Blog. In Collector’s Editions, the games are included digitally only and are explicitly playable on PS4 and PS5. You quickly realize that there is something strange here.

In fact, with the Standard Edition and the Special Edition for PS4, you can’t switch to the PS5 version later. No upgrades are planned for these versions. You can certainly slide a PS4 disc into a PS5 and play it later, but then you’ll be playing the PS4 version on your PS5.

i am Related FAQ (a prick) It says:

To access both the PS4 and PS5 versions of Horizon Forbidden West, you’ll need to purchase the Digital Deluxe, Collector, or Regalla Edition. Dual entitlement does not apply to the Standard and Special editions.

Dual entitlement means you can play on both the platforms. The Collector’s Edition and Regala Edition entitle you to the Digital Deluxe Edition as well.

This is why the game is included in these versions only digitally, ie as a code for PS4 and PS5. So even though the collector’s editions also include the Steelbook, there is no disc.

If you ever want to play Horizon Forbidden West not only on PlayStation 5, but also as a “real” PS5 game, you’ll just have to plan for the long term and use the expensive versions.

Subsequent upgrades to the PS4 Standard Edition and the Special Edition for PS4 are neither free nor chargeable. And didn’t even plan. The FAQ also states in no uncertain terms: “An updated proposal from Standard to Digital Deluxe Edition is not currently planned.”

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Your buying decision should also include how the next-gen game will play on the old standard PS4. Maybe nice, but definitely not as pretty as the PS5. Upgrade to PS5 later, this won’t be possible at the moment.

Building Materials: Horizon Forbidden West, Sonymilf guerrilla games

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