Qatar’s big deal with China has put Germany under pressure

Qatar's big deal with China has put Germany under pressure
LNG tanker

Qatar’s supply agreement with China provides for the export of 108 million tonnes of liquefied natural gas (LNG) over 27 years.

(Photo: Imago/Phototheque)

Berlin, Beijing Qatar Energy and Sugar Group Sinopec A comprehensive supply agreement was concluded on Monday. The deal between the world’s biggest liquefied gas producer and the Chinese embarrasses the federal government. The supply agreement provides for the export of 108 million tonnes of liquefied natural gas (LNG) over 27 years – one of the largest gas supply contracts ever signed.

Germany wants to accept contracts for a maximum of five years due to the phase-out of fossil fuels. Qatar, however, insists on long-term agreements because of upcoming investments in expanding gas production and liquefaction of $45 billion and vast expansion of the LNG tanker fleet.

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