Rare diving in Canada: Duo takes smartphone from sea – what they discover then leaves them speechless

Rare diving in Canada: Duo takes smartphone from sea - what they discover then leaves them speechless

Divers usually do not find a particular find during their wives. (Kredysse here – collection picture)

© Sina Shuld / Pic Alliance / DPA

A diving pair made a spectacular discovery at the bottom of a Canadian lake. Their discovery not only left both of them speechless.

British Columbia – It is not uncommon for divers to come across strange treasures on their exploration trips in the water. But something special is Clayton Halkenberg and his wife Heather, made at Harrison Lake in British Columbia, Canada. The two found an iPhone 11 on the floor during one of their dives. Not the first mobile phones that were able to retrieve both. But the discovery was different, as divers reported in a video on their YouTube channel “Aquatic Monkey”.

Rare Diving: The Duo brings the iPhone 11 out to sea – then they hit the start button and are speechless

This smartphone lay at the bottom of Harrison Lake for six months, as divers would later find out. Because back on the ground they pressed the start button on the cell phone and lo and behold: it worked – after six months in the water! So both of them were able to find the owner and bring back the phone which was believed to have been lost.

Diver duo finds iPhone 11 underwater after six months – and owner of surprise

Fatemeh Ghodsi lost it on a boat tour on September 10, 2020, as he later reported to the divers. “This is crazy! It really still works”, she is amazed when she again puts her smartphone in her hands after six months and tests it. Only the microphone and loudspeaker are now fully Were not intact.

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Talking about the rare find: An eleven-year-old boy made it outside the family with his parents as well.

Actually, the iPhone 11 is supposed to be water and dust resistant for only 30 minutes and up to a depth of two meters, as can be read on Apple’s support page. And this protection, too, is more related to splash water than to being completely submerged in the lake. So Fatemeh Ghodsi is very lucky that she can still save data such as photos or notes after more than half a year. The penny customer had to make finding their soup can much less enjoyable when they opened it. His stomach came out. (va)

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