Record concert approaching 150,000 spectators

Record concert approaching 150,000 spectators

The time has come in mid-August: the biggest concert of Helen Fischer’s career will take place in Munich. The preparation is massive.

When hit star Helen Fisher arrives, the whole big stage has to unfold. The well-known German singer wants to give the biggest concert of her career in Munich on August 20: she will sing “Breathless Through the Night” in front of 150,000 fans on a 170-metre-long stage at the exhibition center – but until then to do it on site. There is still much to do.

The concert organizer Leutgeb Entertainment recently published a series of pictures showing the construction work. There are works here not only for Helen, but also for the appearance of Schlager collaborator Andreas Gabler (August 6) and British pop star Robbie Williams (August 27), who will also use the stage.

A giant metal scaffold has already been erected in the exhibition grounds, and the base of a grand stand is already in place. According to the photos, the organizer has also set up several workers’ cottages which provide shade for the employees in the summer heat and maybe even used for meetings. However, it doesn’t look like it will be a huge hit party — there’s still a lot to do on the site as of August.

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