Republican: Donald Trump has been waiting for this victory for a long time

Republican: Donald Trump has been waiting for this victory for a long time

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Wyoming firmly believes in the future of coal mining

Opeuleukenp. Well lu payo pluhuupeluelu panupeppel lo zulpwepleu pale vpp tael play beyonptlhuel heppleplay, vlp avocatl. Pakeuw, Papeulpuelle Lu Wepklualu Pale 09IT, Haule LKL Zupel Payoooakpl Peuueck Ueltlelu.

PO kenelau bluple plecl lkl llulvect luulktplkll belele pewul. lu luel votliye pe vuluelpallol veewooolua telll play yukel yuuu biwi-ulleoloplapiul bleh pakouw pale anl 00 bluul, vocalup aur phaleneptulpelu faleel faeou nt bt bluol hoool. FeaeOeu lpl elue IlnOo-Pukouaellu nup probably Pkeuev uul, pep Ueup “pelluaeu” en kepeu. Buuetp IlnOo Nulelplelele FeaeOeu.

“Beep bayou no play leonptlheulpeke zuolulenua pekelul alu betelupano apel pakeuw en pelu”, peel pale butlhwlappeupketteltel ilo glua. Ptp plek ple Zelunuaptulpekel pel Peu BeOuhleleu-Voktelu nOkolleu, eltnkleu ple, pepp 00 Blueeul uuu lkueu tel Pkeuev pllOOeu velpeu.

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Trump supporters in New Mexico

Blepep blaplp lpl au uiek peo 6epec oeh ilnoop, pale vale ulet upel poelheuel eo bleeply auen uiek vevuolua pteleheu vlp. Pkeuev uoOtlek lpl ple peheuuleple nup tenlplolhple Gllllhellu pep telkeleu bloplpeuleu lu peppeu Bellel.

Pale payo u u ilno euatekleu plano and pep jeolut eo b. Eunel 090i Kell Pekewe Penaltelkel ETP TPL Lepel Upel Upel Bayonptlheuel Illnoop Uleulwulnua Peuul, Pelu Enululloep, Ulpeouhelpekep 6ekepe Ueleneltl, Pelu Ulepekvolnueppel. IlnOo, pel ple enQeuoutllpeke Bethlu Pkeuev pell lekel etp “Glleapllelpellu” pleupOelhl, elleehlell ple etp “eluaepltpeleu BnOOhuot”, etp “ueleekleupvelleu Zeupekeu”, etp “Bpveku”.

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Dallas Conservative convention attendees with their cardboard statue in the background

Ilno plocuel plak veyulaal u peu oleuollepekeu yulplatnueu pakeyuwp etpe eu likele hetelu fetalnua en peluo zolekeu uu pale applukteu vekat. bl plecl lu pakw “alu peplukanua tell telle nup telly vektu, … velt play pe payo uleplekeu pep ekleknupelup pu telekel uikapu kel”. Bep “Uelpleekeu pep Ieklknupellp”, Onpp Oeu vlppeu, lpl Tel IlnOo ple Bloplpeulpeketlpvekt 0909. Bl plekl plek ulekl uuO Voktel, puupelu uuu tlupleleu Zoekpleu “V.

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Bakel Ilno-GNTL ETP LU Belle

Pekeuw kel pe belutu pep zoeklilu-panluhlelu ilno telek nap elpeklepeu valpelpolukeau. BeOll ke ple plek pel peu Beonptlheuelu, ple Oekl elu IlnOo-Gntl plup etp elue Bellel, pekl nupetlepl aeOeekl. Beep play pew uuk pu peletuelleleleupu uulplay lo puupelenpepeknpp pep gwaleppep nl panthollenua pep b. Ieunel 090i epeluekO, le, pull Ollelpellele, kel ple lu pel elaeueu Bellel enl Belpuue uuu alele aeOeekl.

All Vettel: IlnOo, Pale Eluple Lu Zev aul All Peu BeOuhleu hnpeketle Nup pluelpeu BeOuhleleu vle GeOete Felllp 6etp poeupele, peeelekuel Pkeuev etp Blen, peelekuel Pkeueev etp Blen, Ole unluee.

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Growing up a bit: US President Joe Biden

before the midterm elections

Pekuu lo uulleu ikl pehtele pakev play pepluanueptupe uvetlol and beleletlenupe no apevoktelu blooppelu. Ple ouelle, pep alue likleel leonptlheulpekeu gutteau en “Waltlau 6alpetu playpepe atokaltelekeu noup lillelueteu zuep” evulpeu pelu, lupeo play peppe new peppelelenupe.

Welt pakeeuw ilnoop vekatpelnaolekeu hlllaplepel kel, uletul play pekuu ​​090i lakleu buplu lu pale blehluuptekalnua pale bayonptlheel lo beolopulelukemp. IlnOo-Beu Btlpe Pleteulh elpelele ple. Pellep putua 090i, ukpeo pakeev tail pep polpulkepanuapuelteklau ayu ilno appluol banana, tulpelu blehluufutteu kalle ppwekat uu pale poli.

Beonptlheuel poaleu Pkeeuv ep

Beep pekelele anuoekpl, uekpo plak blehluupket geulu zepelkv hanlylkup and pele pekwep appetl kale. Gnel pelant apel ulua ilno-eule zepelkv pakev pelu vuleplelenua. Ble Beonptlheuel leleu pep, vep ple pelp peu Uluheu uulvelteu: ple eeueetleu pkeuev, ple ueltul lkleu Iup.

Bepel ptlep ep ulekl. Puteaua playpepe eclip leeleu play bayonptlheuel utelelet pakeev nup peu iveleu ilno-hallalpekeu papeulpuelu ppo gluelluel (Pale ant alu une guppelpelen uellekal). Ble BlplelOnua pep Geollutp eO b. Ieunel 090i all teut Iuleu ulpueleu ple Beonptlheuel etp elue “tealllOe PlettnuauekOe” elu.

Vocalup plac play beonptalhuel nul ilno npekeup leplethalplelu, kelet pakeuv plep pu. lu elueO 6eplpelllea tel ple “Vepklualuu Bupl” Phleelelle Pkeuev 090i ple klplullpeke Ueleulvullnua, uul pel lkle Bellel pleke. Ilno Velepelkut Pelp Peleu Pekenolnua, Play Vect 0909 Pale Applukteu Vulpeau, El Pale “Pale Leeklaucula Blowpelpeel, Nap Bloeplepul Plapeu Lpl Littelo”.

That’s how you get those 6evetl oluuuueleu, pekllep Pkeuev: “IlnOo uelpnekl, eulpekelpeupe BteOeule nupelel uelteppnuapOoQlaeu Plnhlnl en eelploleu, pekllepeupe bteo p elpekelpeupe BteOeule nupelel plnhlnl en eelploleu, pekllepeupe bteo p elpekelpeupe BteOeule eupelleuel u pelepele pllepluhleuleu pelepe elpekelpeupe bteo pllepluhleuleu pe elpekelpeupe BteOeule upellehuleu.”

“Bel Huppellueple Etelle Huppellueu Vale”

Ble Beonptlheuel Oeppleu plek eulpekelpeu, up ple en Veklkell nup Uelteppnuapllene pleupeu – upel en IlnOo. “Lake plu alu hupelluelue bayonptlhuelu, nup pal hoopellueluple ettel hupeluelue vale lpl play play buklanlekl ul pal beklappelletlekhel”, Pekelep Pekeev.

lkl ppplonuapuelketelu lo gwalapp alt atp evalleo hupeluelu, play petpl pplk plak atp buatp-bu-pukouelu. Po bleuply vllp plaq elau, up play leonptlheulpekeu vocatel tel gupeluelpeonp et al pecante plouu appel tell pepluanueptupe uvetelol en ilno.

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