Responsibility of green government for rural areas

Responsibility of green government for rural areas

The federal election took place just six weeks earlier – and the term “state election” is used in almost every speech at the convention of state representatives of the Bavarian Greens. The mood is good with the Greens in Augsburg, with most delegates happy with their party’s outcome at the end of September. After all, the Bavarian Greens are now sending 19 MPs to Berlin, compared to eleven in the previous legislative period.

With a tailwind from Berlin, the Greens now want to work toward a change of government next year. The work of removing the state government from the perspective of greenery can go on only if they pay more attention to the rural areas. “We have developed everywhere, but at a low level in rural areas,” says state president Eva Letenbauer. There is a lot of potential for voters there, but big offers are needed for the people in the villages.

Mobility turnaround must be pursued

To create equal living conditions in all regions of Bavaria, attractive local public transport is needed from the point of view of the Greens. In his major proposal “Hand in Hand – Strengthening Bavaria’s Rural Areas with Energy Transition and Climate Protection”, some well-known green goals can be read: At least hourly between 5am and midnight in Bavaria Guaranteed mobility for bus connections, eg.

The Greens’ mobility transition also includes a wider network of cycle paths and the legal right to high-speed broadband Internet. The Greens argued that traffic could have been avoided if working conditions were improved in rural areas and digital work was even more widespread.

Energy transition as an economic incentive program for rural areas

The energy transition is of particular benefit to rural areas, says co-state president Thomas von Saranowski. “This is the biggest economic stimulus plan ever in history.” Unfortunately, the state government had slowed down the energy transition. Many billions were lost. In the Soder government, the CSU and the Free Voters blocked each other. The lead motion is now a vision of what would be possible if the Greens co-ruled.

Green traffic light negotiators ask for support

Of course, the ongoing coalition talks at the State Representatives’ Conference are also a big topic. Not all representatives are under fire when it comes to compromise. “Not really green anymore”, “too much compromise” he says, for example. Others are practical, not all green stuff can be implemented.

One of the Greens’ two top candidates, argues Anton Hoffreiter. “About 15 percent people voted for us. But that also means 85 percent people didn’t vote for us. So we can’t achieve everything.” But even though there will be no general speed limit in Germany, other important points have been emphasized, Hofreiter said. With the expansion of wind power, for example, and the phase-out of coal. The alliance has a long way to go. It is possible that talks at St. Nicholas Week may not end as planned, but discussions will continue before a coalition agreement is reached.

The Greens will elect their state presidents on Sunday. So far, there has been no rival for the current country chief Eva Letenbauer.

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