Revolutionary move on Amazon: this service is now on the verge of extinction

Revolutionary move on Amazon: this service is now on the verge of extinction

Amazon takes a revolutionary step and, after three years of testing in the United States, is discontinuing development of the autonomous delivery robot Amazon Scout.

Seattle (USA) – Amazon is taking a revolutionary step and shutting down the once promising service.

Amazon is the largest mail order company in the world and wants to further automate delivery.  (archive image)

Amazon is the largest mail order company in the world and wants to further automate delivery. (Archive Image) © Michelle Spingler / AP / DPA

world’s largest online retailer United States of america Was experimenting with small delivery robots called “Amazon Scout” that ran on the sidewalk for three years. The tests took place in a residential area near Seattle.

The development team was disbanded and employees were to be employed in other areas of the company group is offered, a spokeswoman for Amazon told financial services Bloomberg.

The vehicle looked like a big cooler on six wheels. Bloomberg, citing knowledgeable people, reported that around 400 people around the world worked on the project.

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The idea of ​​an autonomous delivery robot was to be further investigated, but the previous concept did not work, Financial Services wrote.

Other companies have also been working on similar delivery robots in recent years – such as the pioneering Starship Technologies.

a big success for them technology However, so far it has failed to materialise. Robots are generally used to a limited extent in personal areas as well as on company or university campuses.

Problems include, for example, that robots sometimes get stuck on sidewalks and need to be picked up.

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