Rave is the second largest food retailer in Germany after Edeka.Image: IMAGO / Wolfgang Maria Weber
is probably the most asked question supermarket Cashier’s after receipt. Countless slips of paper end up in the hands of customers or in the trash every day. However, some supermarkets such as Lidl, Kaufland and adeka Now provide a digital alternative. So they want to save paper.
For example, Reeve’s customers can receive their receipts digitally through the PAYBACK bonus program. But the system is now facing a lack of understanding. Criticism was welcomed online.
With every purchase, sellers are bound to issue a receipt – be it digital or on paper.Image: Sven Simon / Frank Hormann / Sven Simon
Twitter users find Reeve campaign contradictory
The Reason: rewe advertises this paperless system in a very critical way: with an additional voucher. Some Twitter users posted pictures of flyers on the platform that said: “Of atmosphere For: Take the eBon.” You can activate your digital receipt in the Rewe app or in the Rewe customer account, it says on paper.
For many, it’s an odd action to point to an eco-friendly alternative. “Minimally contradictory,” judges one user.
Others feel there are better ways to promote the new system. He compares in his tweet: “How to create sensible context for Ebon: stand, poster, display. As Rave explains on Ebon: with an extra bon.”
eBon users also receive advertising vouchers
“What the hell,” says another person. She writes that she already uses Ebon anyway and “still gets snippets”. “What about the environment?”User asks the inventors of Payback and Reeve.
One Twitter user notes that such action is futile and addresses the supermarket chain with a request:
“Rewe, as always, I think your campaign with eBon is great. But I’ve had this for two years and I still get this ad printed. Can you please turn this off for eBon customers ? Will it save a lot of hazardous waste.”
Receipts really should be treated as hazardous waste. They are usually made of thermal paper that is coated with chemicals. Therefore, you should not throw the notes in the paper waste, but in the residual waste or hazardous waste.
The fact that a large amount of waste is caused by receipts is not only due to retailers. From January 2020, in Germany The obligation to provide receipts when making purchases, which prevents sellers from omitting receipts altogether. So if the client doesn’t want it then it should be assigned as well.
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