Rewe, Lidl, Aldi.: Shameless forgery of fraudsters deposited on empty machines

Rewe, Lidl, Aldi.: Shameless forgery of fraudsters deposited on empty machines

Rewe, Lidl, Aldi and Co.: Shameless forgery of fraudsters deposited on empty machines

Cheap Shopping: 10 Tips for Saving Money at the Supermarket

Cheap Shopping: 10 Tips for Saving Money at the Supermarket

We are all happy if we can save some money while shopping. 10 tips to shop cheap

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Really awesome, what a lousy scam, with shameless fraudsters Reeve, Aldi, Lidl, Edeka and Kaufland want to tear up! But supermarkets know how to defend themselves…

even Reeve, Aldi, Lidl, Edeka, Kaufland And the company has not been spared from the rip-off. People especially like to cheat deposit machines. Supermarket workers on “” unpacked. They report on cunning methods used by criminals. But supermarkets are now taking action against such operatives.

Rewe, Aldi, Lidl, Kaufland, Edeka and Co.: Supermarkets know how to protect themselves from fraudsters

A very shameless trick at the top of the list: Fraudsters tie a deposited bottle to fishing line. Then you put it in the machine and as soon as the device has read the bottle, you take it out again. If you do this several times, you can add a small amount.

But Reeve, Aldi & Co now know how to counter this brazen move. Many devices now recognize when the bottle is to be taken out again – and sound an alarm. However, it is rarely reported. According to the cashier report, criminals run away very quickly.


This is the rev:

  • Rev was founded in 1927 in Cologne
  • At that time, 17 purchasing cooperatives joined forces.
  • The name is derived from “Revisionsverband der Westkauf-Genossenschaften”.
  • There are around 3,300 Reeve branches (as of 2020)


Rewe, Aldi, Lidl, Kaufland, Edeka and Co.: Submit cheaters with shameless tricks

Another popular scam according to “chip.d“: copy the logo of the German deposit system (DPG) and stick it as a sticker on bottles for which there is actually no deposit. For example, bottles of vinegar. Supermarkets and discounters also responded to this Most of the machines now not only check the deposits, but also check the so called EAN codes.


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What really bold people can do to get money. (cf)

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