Riser Hematopolis: Promoter of Science

Riser Hematopolis: Promoter of Science

The commitment of “Friends of the Rage Crater Museum” has been recognized

The jury of Razor Hematparis has unanimously decided on the winner of the 2021 award: the association is “Friends of the Rescratermuseum EV”. Board members of Raiffeisen-Volksbank Reese, Paul Ritter and Bernhard Strobley shared the good news. Dr. Association’s first president Oliver Sachs was surprised and delighted. “We are very pleased that our work is being noticed,” Sachs said and thanked the board on behalf of the board.

The jury recognizes the club’s diverse commitment to clubs and beyond. The association has been promoting cultural development in Rees for over 30 years, for example through lectures and exhibitions, and supports the Rees Crater Museum in Nordlingen, which is unique in the world, as an influence library and purchase of scientific objects Bavarian meteorite in “Stabenberg”.

The establishment of the “Carl Albert Frickinger Foundation” was also a milestone in the non-profit association’s history. Among other things, the association intends to use the Foundation Fund to use the awards for school children and students who work with the development of the geology and natural field “Nordlinger Rees”. An important goal of the foundation is to arouse and promote domestic interests.

Since 1983, the Raisen-Volksbank Reese has been providing the Reiser Hemataparis to people or institutions who have made or have made special contributions to Reese. The award is concluded with 5000 Euros.

Rieser Haemataporis 2021 is expected to be awarded in September. (afternoon)

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