Robin Williams wanted to play Remus Lupine in “Harry Potter”

Robin Williams wanted to play Remus Lupine in "Harry Potter"

Updated October 15, 2021, at 7.45am.

  • No one has tried out for a role in the “Harry Potter” universe less than Robin Williams.
  • The late actor wanted to play the role of Remus Lupine.
  • However, director Chris Columbus rejected him.

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Remus Lupine is one of the most popular Characters from the world of “Harry Potter”. In the movies, David Thewlis played the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts. Originally, a Hollywood star wanted to play the role: Robin Williams. Chris Columbus, who was involved in the first three films as director and producer, said in an interview “Total Movie”.

Problem: One of the first rules was not to cast American actors. “That was the goal,” said Columbus. “There are no American actors in the movie.” He talked to Williams. “It was very difficult for me to tell him, ‘It’s all British. I can’t do anything for you.'” Oscar winner passed away in 2014 at the age of 63.

Chris Columbus had doubts about Alan Rickman

Chris Columbus also expressed doubts about Alan Rickman, who played Professor Severus Snape. He “didn’t think” that actor “harry potterThe character would be impersonated in “Die Hard” after his role as the “iconic villain” Hans Gruber. Columbus, however, could not have imagined “that someone else would play the role of Snape”.

Alan Rickman played the hateful teacher in all eight “Harry Potter” films from 2001 to 2011. The famous actor passed away in 2016 at the age of 69 due to cancer. Columbus directed and produced the first two “Harry Potter” films, while the third was only a producer.
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