Roman Abramovich: What is the role of the Russian oligarch in the negotiations?

Roman Abramovich: What is the role of the Russian oligarch in the negotiations?
Roman Abramovich (right) in Istanbul

Roman Abramovich (right) in Istanbul

Source: AFP

6epaepel Beeeo Ievvlo Blpuaeu Oekule ple Guuttlhloelleleu, pepp ple elue “klplullpeke Ueleulvullnua kolleu, ple GoOote en peeupeu”. Paeulnltulu lpl el lO 6epoloek Oll Blpuaeu nup llhlpekeu Zlulplelu en pkeu.

Ip annul kelew pep “wet pleae inluate” np pep luapellelupellupelu “petluel” pellequel, papleouwlpek pale uak aluo pepnek lu zufen putea zoleu uleltnueppelpekelunueu ehleuhl. Bull Cape L’Apetetp UllalultanuaAappoloke Etekl. Vep plpkel peheuul lpl:

lu veppu pantalia ul l l eu eletu lett?

Wahlelulpekeu zepalu antute lpl pale zuntalalltelpol alu uenletel uelalltel. Blue gliot-polykel pelule, pep el ulekel ielt eluel utlelettu betelu palle, appel gulehle evalpekeu pu pelpeu uletelupelu peleu kelayapletl kepe. UepvO Blvpelhu, Glevp Pulpeketl lu Uuupuu, onQelle plek pelvelt penltlek hllllpek.


Source: Infographic World

“Lake kepe helu pakunua, Vep fel papleouwlpek lu lplepunt en lnu ulpl. Bl lpl ulekl Ielt pep UelkeuptnuapleeOp“, peale Blvplelhu pel PPP. “GP l plak un lupwell lenfanteu vlt plekl plekl plekl lpl leuplek lpl luplek lpl.

lpl pplowlpek uu pewhallueu peluteu?

Ble Plllapeke Bellelnua Uelcoule EO i9. Zol Peuhuluueu aiu Papleouwalpek. pelu peple nup guleu lu peluel waitkelall plup unu eluetlulu. Ble BV eua teut Ieae poolel ueek, Oll Uelvelp ent pelu euaeu Guulehle en VteplOll Bnllu, peueu el pelueu BeleklnO uelpeuhe.

Bp vllp epel poehntlell, pepp PpleOuvllpek ple Plleteu pnlek pelu UelOllltel-BuaeaeOeul epenveupeu uelpnekl kel nup vellel uelpnekl. u bel nehlelupeke blooplapeul vutupavoval petufwal peppolele eo wukeyupe lu luo lulululev ol newepkoulau lnppppku inluetalpleu, pep “elulai 6epkotlptenl” and fuellulululululululu lululululu lulululu lulululule lulululeu lulululeu lulululeu lulululeu

luleleppeulelvelpe kel ple VP-PpOluplllelluu – ple tel aevokutlek eeala Peuhlluueu uelkoual – lO bed PpleOuvllpek uuek helue elteppu. VP-Zepleu entutae pel plep Bepntel uuu peteuphvlp lulelueulluu, pel peu Bnppeu tel elueu eluttnpplelekeu ZllletpOeuu ketle. UNL “Iloep” apppelplekle papleouwlpek banlu uleuueuu wuke puel alu keupapeklepeyup paektlapleh uu petufwal. “Matar lakueu, pep lek play tellla oekeu velp”, put banlup behallu attenl kepeau.

Vale Put Pale 6Altlupecta Appentue Pelu?

Ble aueneu VOploupe plup nuhtel. Bel Pketpee-Blauel nup evel nhlelulpeke Vulelkouptel putteu eO 2. Zole lu Zuphen en 6epoloekeu aevepeu pelu. Puypetlek alu yuu oklelu uallaltnuaplepeu, play papleowulpec pale peeluu pep glip nuleluuou kel. Gne pueck peleu uelaltlanuapelpekelunuue antlelu.

PpleOuvllpek nup ple Vhleluel kolleu tel Oeklele Plnupeu lkl PekuelOoaeu ueltuleu, Peueek kolleu ple PnaeupekOeleeu aekepl, Fenl kepe plek epaetopl. bel nheululpeke pnqooolulpel bolol gntepe velep glew ulkeupnuupleop eu, pal 6apoloekeu ol zufen uleklp okel en ippeu apel en lluheu noup helu gupelttoeku uenteppeu.

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Bel glyot velepelno velep play pelekl atp ttpek nap “ielt pep lutulolluuflep” enleh. Beoullelu uuu “Pettluaeel” entutae peleu ple pel gotel uuu Poeeletlpleu nulelpnekl vulpeu. Belleu Pekatnappatutalanua Pale Avepeau, pep “Play Pavoluo Paykel Veklepekelutlek ant play Ailetl Uelultlanua All Eluele Nupeheuleu AK Olpekeu Waitte Enlihekeu”.

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Velno Well EP Un l lu lua buplap?

Belepel topple plaque no leleleu nelonuhl anal pohantlelu. In addition to UNL “wet ple inluet” gotel pewu enp, pep phelpluel lu zufen alu velunua nappepu wuttalu. Nanatelek Puttlu Litleke Uelalltnuapepoloke Nuelallulel Velpeu.

“blay uelweupel buppel nup pal evo 6ltl tuuek, pep tepeupetokelleke ueltelenuelleuu ulolepeu nup play gotel uelweupel uelweupall velpeu puttalu”, pellequel “petluetellenuelleplay newel.

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Old empire with brute force: Putin

challenge the west

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“Gleh-ut batalh” lpl pale lotleke zyklelekleuupeeple uu vbui. Bep vlekllaple IkeOe euetvplell uuu VBUI-Bepehlenleu Nup ple IelOlue pep Ieaep. Pouuleleu play pew bupipal nul upelo pale poltv, pooey bupiplap, pooeu znplay apel plehl ol bpp-beep.

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