Roman Protasevich: girlfriend Sofia Saphega is in Minsk prison

Roman Protasevich: girlfriend Sofia Saphega is in Minsk prison

Belarusian blogger and activist Roman Protasevich is with his girlfriend on Sunday with Arrested at Minsk Airport. While it is still unclear where exactly the opposition member is being held, it is now revealed that his Russian friend Sofia Saphega is in Minsk’s infamous Ocrestina prison. His mother made it public. He had commissioned the Russian authorities.

Anna Dudish told the BBC’s Russian service on Monday that Ryanair aircraft were to make an emergency landing in Minsk. Her daughter is said to have tried to contact her via WhatsApp, but she could only send the word “mother”. “He did not manage to keep writing,” DuDisch said.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that the Russian Embassy in Belarus had asked for information about Sápega. “We met the consul, talked, described the situation,” said Spega’s mother. “You know what happened, I hope you help us.”

The European Humanist University (EHU), the University of Sápega in Lithuania, said on Monday that Sofia Sápega was arrested en route to Vilnius, where she had to defend her master’s thesis, “on unfounded excuses.” The university demanded consular support and immediate release of a Russian citizen.

A spokesman for the Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabriel Landsbergis confirmed the arrest of Protasevich’s girlfriend.

editor’s Note: In a previous version of this article, the couple’s destination was misquoted. We have adjusted the passage.

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