Jewelers Lalumbi, Motsi Mabuse and Jorge Gonzalez gave Sander and Arndt 14 points, with Kruse and Dejumav 11. All but Abel and Menzinger, only former “Tageschu” lead spokesperson Jan Hoffer (69) and professional dancer Christina Luft were made worse . He also scored only 10 points with his samba. “I really have to say that Christina gave everything,” Hofer said after the dance. Llamby said he wanted more agility.
From the jury’s point of view, actresses Valentina Pahe (26) and Valentin Lussin with Salsa (27 points), footballers Rurik Gilleson (33) and Renata Lussin with Tango (26 points) and singer Ilis Delange (43) in key roles Played. Better. And Everesty Vincrove with a Charleston (26 points). In Pahde, Mabuse praised elegance, for showing his ability in DeLange. Gilleson kept himself under pressure after scoring full points last week. “It’s been a tough week,” he said.
The women won with nine points in the annual “Boys vs. Girls Special”. The jury gave the men three points less. This year, men and women were to dance in the same medley.
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