RTL presenter has breast cancer: Tanja Boulter is back after chemotherapy

RTL presenter has breast cancer: Tanja Boulter is back after chemotherapy

RTL presenter has breast cancer
Tanja Boulter is back after chemotherapy

A year after her breast cancer diagnosis, RTL presenter Tanja Boulter is back on the red carpet. “That was the worst year ever,” says celebrity expert. The 49-year-old found strength in tough times with her children.

RTL presenter Tanja Boulter made her first appearance on the red carpet since being diagnosed with cancer last year, just weeks after the end of her chemotherapy. Over the weekend, the 49-year-old also moderated “YES! Con 2021”, the biggest cancer event for affected people and experts. In an interview with RTL, she looked back on the past year and told how she has survived tough times since her diagnosis in October 2020.

“It was the worst year I’ve ever had,” said the single mother of two. “Cancer has always been equated: You die instantly. But medicine and science have made such huge leaps in recent years and I have benefited from them,” Boulter continued.

So he said to himself from the start: “I’m really out of the question of dying. It also doesn’t work because I have two kids and they’re waiting for me at home, so I must be very nice to them there.” for.” Her children would have helped her the most in dark times – “they were my engines”. With Bulter’s treatment complete, the moderator will now have to conduct follow-up tests every three months, according to RTL.

Now the presenter, who continues to moderate her celebrity talk “Wipstagram” on RTL during treatment, wants to take better care of herself. She has resolved that from now on she will consciously enter life. She learned to say no from time to time and banned those who stole her strength from her life from her circle of friends.

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