Putin threatens Russia’s opponents to “tear their teeth”
Russian President Vladimir Putin
Source: AP / Sergey Eileen
Russian President Vladimir Putin claims that foreign enemies routinely tried to snatch Russian territories. Instead he threatened an even tougher response with a difficult choice of words.
KPresident Vladimir Putin has threatened Russia’s opponents to “knock their teeth”. According to the Interfax Agency, on Thursday, he claimed that enemies from abroad regularly try to snatch Russian territories.
“Everybody wants to ‘bite’ us somewhere or ‘bite’ something from us, but they should know that those who want to do this we knock their teeth so that they don’t bite.” The Kremlin chief said that the development of the army is a guarantee.
For some, Russia was still very large even after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Putin said. Although a third of the area was destroyed at the time, Russia is still the largest country in the world in terms of area with approximately 146 million inhabitants.
Russia has modernized its military in recent years in view of tensions with the West. According to Putin, more than three trillion rubles (equivalent to 33 billion euros) will be invested in national defense this year alone. It is less than the United States or China, for example, will spend. The Bundeswehr budget for this year is approximately 47 billion euros (2020: approximately 45.2 billion euros).
The Kremlin chief noted his own new weapons such as the avangard (avant-garde) hypersonic missile. For example, Russia’s relations with the European Union and the United States have long been very tense.
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