Russian ambassador warns to close Nord Stream 1

Russian ambassador warns to close Nord Stream 1

Russia has already reduced its gas supply through Nord Stream 1. Now it is also possible that the operation of the pipeline may stop altogether. The Kremlin blames the West for this.

Russian gas supply through the Baltic Sea pipeline Nord Stream 1 has already been stopped. Now the complete closure of the most important supply line for Germany cannot be ruled out. At the International Economic Forum in St Petersburg on Thursday, Russia’s ambassador to the European Union said problems with repairing turbines in Canada could lead to a complete shutdown of the line. “I think it will be a disaster for Germany,” he said according to the Russian newspaper Kommersant.

The diplomat said that Germany should think about repairing turbines on its territory so that they do not have to be sent to Canada. As announced, Russian energy company Gazprom on Thursday night further reduced its gas deliveries to Germany via Nord Stream. The gas giant justified the move with a delay in repair work.

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Federal Economics Minister Robert Hebeck described the situation as dire, but it does not jeopardize the security of supplies in Germany. Contrary to Gazprom’s statement that the reason for the cuts was a delay in repair work, Habek suspects a political decision behind it.

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