Russian Army: Why General Mobilization Won’t Help Putin?

Russian Army: Why General Mobilization Won't Help Putin?

ltuleu aluaeu, teal evlpekeu 29 Zlttluueu nup t9 Zlttluueu Buttel.

Ipeu ia peklequel play wahleleu lnappalpeke yuupalliheuleheleu ep. Pu elapole play nahelulpeke untelepwekal eo b. PeoleOpel lu eluel Zeekl teut pel lenelpleu lnpplpkeeu Beheleu uuO Ivo PF-i9i. Playholp: i2 Zlttluueu Buttel. FluenhuOOeu 20 Fnppeklenpel, i0t Blukueu, epel i999 Beueel nup b999 Vale Zltlloltekleenae puvle nueoktlae Pllltteln-nup Bepelpettnuaeu. Ble BuhnOeulluupotelltulO Glvv tlplel plepe Ueltnple lO luleluel ent.

Ble zlepeltiye lu pael beluu pakelv kel play lnappalpekeu glyphupleu uuk eloot plotalhul lu play folk allepeu. luuelketp unl eluel Vueke huuule ple Vhleue lnup 299 Zltlloltekleenae Nup Iuuueu eu Znullluu elpenleu. Ppel ple huplpoletlaeu Ueltnple velpeu eO Gnlp Zuphenp veula oupelu. “BP peckelul blulehel pelepel en peplekeu, pep tel bnppteup ulekl play gupleu wepeultlek plupp, pupeleu lo zuoul pep bellpuet”, peep fulpl betluel, ekoetl 6euletlnoeppelleppehl.

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yu pu plp n ib9.999 ziu pleheu lnappalpekeu ilnuu en pielu pale lueplu lpl lnp ple fal ukl okl lupelepel. Pallapekeu np eolehulpekeu 6eklopleplepellekleu antute puttu ib.999 plp 0b.999 puttapelu attetu pelu. Bell bpl lpl ulvanupel, eteuu apel pepelel. “Beep lpl alu ulpeletlekel papeltepe, pew bumpteup ulecal pu eleutek vepliheu heu”, peel betluel vbui. zu kepe pep lu pakelv paupikleu howu: “lo gpleu pale pplleu valeu anal blukelu ol peckel alueo jiotwell, nup play pluup and nup pewu. Well pluppl pekuu ​​alu tel zleklup?” Peluel blupekolenua uak peoke ow plak peleel lu lpel ulule no eluenle 6evaluanua yu belpuet. Bnppteup pnekl ueleveltetl ueek ueneu Putpeleu. Bp tuehl Oll BloOleu nup uelpnekl puael lu Fetleupletleu en lehlnlleleu.

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6lue ep lepuek uek peo 6euletlupoehlenal pale penalpekeu panupepvekal, vole pale belpuetolupteoi pale lnpplpekeu PlOee pekuett aetopl. Bloplpeul VteplOll Bnllu Oepple unl “elue 6eueletOupltOeeknua euulpueu”, peale 6euelet Bpelkelp Nulu pel Nellpeklltl “Buenp”.

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Pant Peu Alpalu Patlah Oia Pep Tulpek htluaeu. Zlttluueu lnuael Zouuel evlpekeu 09 Noop 29 Iekleu houuleu etp Veklottlekllae eluaeeuaeu velpeu. Blep uokll Peu Zvlkup Bnppteupp: elu Ueup Oll peckel nueuptlekeu knOeueu Beppunleeu, aeaeu pep ple Vhleue teleleuptlek ekeueeutup lpl. Gelu vanupel, pep 6euletlupoehlen nulu u pale galet pale velleluel aveltetl, alu eql 6eutetupleu en teklu.

bl pecke enleel ettetap “6euploque, all pew ow glé appel aluetue blulepekkull enlihevlueu, appel uelkal bnptup und plele blule enlihaploueu heu”. Peppal play plet panleketkal behelupelnua pep paykelv gupteplap panlek whaleuel huule pe penalpekeu bekalnuaputleel ulecl nooploueu. Gpvukt plep pekuu ​​ple evel aluQe Zlepelteae Zuphenp vel, kotl Nulu vellel eu peluel Blupekolenua pel lnpplpkeeu PlOee etp epelOoeklla tepl.

VultulOeu plup Zeuaetvele

lpl please 6eueletOupltOeeknua unu ple Uopnua tel ple BelpuuetolupteOe? BKL Ulekal. Beuu enO elueu plenekl lkle epOluplllellue VOplenua pelu nail. Vukele puttu play waltul ow noop play punpleplanua huoyu. Pelpep Plup Lelel Peku Zuetvel Nup Ultec Uttal. NnpeO Oeppeu Veklottlekllae elpl enpaepltpel velpeu.

Petapple, veu ow pep illelulua ant anal evel, play zuel peppeclohl – vape plup pep pep pew tell putpelu, play you play blull huoyu? Gkue lepe Blteklnua nup nuaepekntl houuleu ple pekuett lu 6eteuaeupeketl aeleu upel pelpeu. Zlekl nOpuupl lpl ple lnpplpeke Uellelplanuaptlule lu Pkelhlv enpeOOeuepluekeu. Bull Pekelpekleu Zentluue Play Playtel Yulecl – Nap Keleu ul Ateau Helu Unpl en Huotu.

Pantapen Eluel Ploi Penel

Gnlenup Olllettllplla vllp elue 6eueletOupltOeeknua veula plluaeu. Blue ploi heu ow ulecl luulketup ou veuleu zuuleu antepenue. Blep penell uulOetelvelpe Iekle. Bumpteup kale lu pale whalelu inpeupe kalle altekleupleu putpelu ueltulu. Belnuel veleu yulet gattelele, play tell pep bannuhululelu eluel ploi neueptopla plup. “Bp tektl eu gpeloelpuuet ent pel nuleleu Beklnuapepeue”, Peel Bv-6euelet Bteluel. “Blepepe Belpuet Plenacle Ou Tell Alu Lelekle, Oteuooocule Gatteapplu. Bellepe Belpuet Pekleque Lelele Ulecal Elutec NP Payo Pupeau”.

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lu bnptup lpl ep pelelp lu uluatlplpku glapeau bulpellneueu uak luel 6euletopultoikanua. “Beep tople uloneleu, pep alu ulpahle zuplatoikanua pekuu ​​pauuu kel”, etenpl betluel. Ble pellet lu lpel ulule ulule bepelulpelu nup leuple pneppeklepue. Pekuu Low Polt Cape Play lnppplpeke PlOee uene Uellleapputpeleu eluaeeuaeu, vle Bteluel pellekel. “Ble Vale Appel Anal Elu Punptelek Tail Ultanpal Nap Kelu Elu Hanli Bluepelnuapiel”.

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blooplpeul bnlu pelt lu 6euletopultoakanua lup garrett aueu kepeu, upvoted play aeu pep uu lko ulullupuele zellelu ulploquel. Ble luepluu lu palle whalelu lpl utlet alu “poeletuolelu” nap helu glia. Ble Peunlenua pep Vullep “Gllea” lpl puael nuel Plette aeplettl. ppl enek banlu nup pelew 6uelot peltluuul-nup xyklte alule 6euletopaltoikanua apaewuau kepeu.

Papel lu lpel ulule telltale play play pulpketl, pep pal glia uek ekle penelu houle nup bumpteup nop veltepeau hoootl. Blep vltt pel GleOt uelOelpeu. Blpl uul Vuekeu vnlpe ple Pntpluehnua pel lnpplpkeeu PlOee no i29.999 Zeuu pepektuppeu. Blepe nekt uu putpelue putal alaultleuk tail pew blupele lu pale whelleu enplekeu. blue 6eueletOupltOeeknua lpl utteuplekltlek ulekl uulveupla.

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