SAP: Second Executive Council resigns, fear of fraud in salary

SAP: Second Executive Council resigns, fear of fraud in salary

case regarding alleged irregularities in sapThe Works Council moves on to the next round. The Waldorf-based software company said an executive council member, who was also a member of the supervisory board until the end, resigned from his office with immediate effect. At the same time, SAP and the person mutually agreed to terminate the employment relationship. Both sides had agreed not to disclose further details. “Rhine-Neckar-Zeitung” and “Business Insider” had previously reported the resignations.

The dismissal follows an internal investigation, which in addition to the Executive Council a the cost of their jobs to other employees: The former Executive Council chairman of the company had to vacate his post in June itself. He has since been fired from the company.

pay fraud investigation

SAP has conducted an internal investigation against the employee who has now been terminated on suspicion of pay fraud. The trigger was the tip of a whistleblower. The Works Council is alleged to have taken leave without accounting and therefore accumulated hundreds of vacation days over the years.

The former head of the Works Council is said to have manipulated the e-mails to protect his colleague. In internal documents, SAP accused the employee of “complicating explanations in multiple ways, suppressing circumstantial facts” and trying to “prevent the detection of the truth.” Now both defendants no longer work for the company.

Inquiry by Public Prosecutor’s Office

The Heidelberg Public Prosecutor is also investigating allegations of an allegedly manipulated supervisory board election. fraudulent attempt. The authority is investigating suspicions that a SAP employee should receive €500,000 to assist the Executive Council in selecting employee representatives on the supervisory board.

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The matter became known when the Heidelberg Regional Court in a legal dispute classified the underlying contract as immoral.

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