Sarah Engels is now a jury member

Sarah Engels is now a jury member
Florian Silberesen, Ilse DeLange, Toby Gad and Thomas Anders form the jury team for the first time "DSDS"-Live scenes.

Florian Silberesen, Ilse DeLange, Toby Gad and Thomas Anders formed the jury team for the first “DSDS” live show.Image: RTL / Stefan Gregorovius / DSDS

At the first “DSDS” live show, Thomas Anders surprisingly sat on the jury. Florian Silberesen assured “Picture“That’s no tip with this change dieter bohlen should be provoked. As a reminder, the pop titan was replaced as chief justice after nearly 20 years. At the time he said of the decision: “RTL just wants to go down a new path, more family-friendly. A revolutionary like me, who always hits a little bit, has no place now.”

The fact that Anders, the pre-modern talking star, was now involved in the show, may have surprised Bohlen in particular. In 2003, after their return, the two finally ended their collaboration. The next “DSDS” edition will be on Saturday. RTL has now announced which guest jury will evaluate the performance of the candidates this time.

Sarah Engels Supports “DSDS” Jury

This time around, Sarah Engels will be a part of the second live show, as announced by the broadcaster. The singer appropriately laid the groundwork for her career On “DSDS”. Eleven years earlier she was in the final with Pietro Lombardi and finished second. Recently someone asked her in a question and answer session on Instagram what percentage she would participate in “DSDS” as a juror. His answer came immediately: “100 percent. Let’s see what the future brings.”

Sarah’s former partner Pietro has already worked with Dieter Bohlen as a juror. But the 29-year-old also has experience as a jury member. In late 2019, along with Bohlen and Bruce Darnell, he formed the jury for “Das Supertalent”. With regard to Sarah Engels’ new jury job, the broadcaster announced:

So far, the artist has not personally commented on his new TV work. She is currently spending time in Maldives with her children and husband Julian. She became a mother for the second time at the end of last year. She married her elder in May 2021 Love And took his name again Engels.


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