“Sarmojis” now has 300,000 fans

"Sarmojis" now has 300,000 fans

Saarbrücken (dpa / lrs) – For the third birthday of “Saarmojis”, the inventors of Saarland mood paintings for SMS, WhatsApp messages and emails create a positive balance. “We can claim that this was one of the most successful campaigns for Saarland in the last three years. Daily user numbers prove this,” says communication designer Zimrithe Hoxhaj, co-founder of creative agency Bureau Kabil.

According to him, the keyboard app has now been downloaded more than 300,000 times, and the digital images have been sent millions of times in exile by Saarlanders, Saarland lovers and exiled Saarlanders. In a few days, 2,000 motifs were sent.

There are now 500 Saarland pictures out of twelve categories – including food and drink, idioms, sports, and moods – all available free of charge for general messenger services. The most popular motifs are proverbs like Leonor (Saarland Meat Sausage) and “Annan”.

Emojis have become an essential part of daily communication. And because Saarlanders are particularly very attached to their homeland and proud of their special characteristics, it was “high time”, according to Hoxhaz, to develop Saarmojis. The beginning was supported by the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Economics.

Users have already received emails from Argentina, Canada, USA and all over Europe. An exiled man from Saarland, who had gone to Tibet to become a monk, wrote: “You made me very happy, and I had to laugh a lot, but also cry a little because I miss my motherland and, thank you, I am again got very good access. “

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