Schwingen – winner of Zug Unspunnen Leo Betschart has died

Schwingen - winner of Zug Unspunnen Leo Betschart has died

In full swing

Zug Unspun winner Leo Bettert is dead

Leo Bettert is killed. The 65-year-old died in his adopted home in Canada.

Leo Betshirt from Jug died in Canada on Saturday. Is informed by Schwinger Blog On Instagram. The cause of his death is unknown.

Leo Bettert

Leo Bettert

Archive Picture LZ

65-year-old Cham-Annetsi swings for swing club. Leo Betschert celebrated his greatest success in 1981 when he won the Unspun Festival at Interlaken. In 1986 he won the Central Swiss Wrestling Festival, The Rigi and Brunig Schwinget. At the age of 35 Betshirt played his last competition at Zug Cantonal. The four-time Swiss won 91 and won 31 in his career.

After his career he did various tasks in wrestling. He was the technical director of his home club and the Zug Wrestling Association. In 2011 he moved to Canada. He lives about three hours from Halifax in Nova Scotia province with his wife Edith.

For his first eight years in Canada, Betshirt worked on a deer farm. He then worked for a land development company. He was responsible for infrastructural facilities, boats and snow plowing. Once a year the Betscharts went to visit their children, grandchildren and families from Switzerland.

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