Science: 5 principles for climate-safe municipalities and cities

Science: 5 principles for climate-safe municipalities and cities

Recent events largely reflect this: weather rash to become more extreme. It was in July 2021 heavy rain In North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate, Bavaria and Saxony, in 2018 and 2019, Germany suffered from a prolonged drought and heat. little ones climate study Show that the probability for both peak growth Will. it’s time for a big climate adaptation program. Scientist: Inside Under the coordination of the Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research (UFZ) five essential principles Defines which cities and municipalities have more remodeling climate protection should be oriented.

each extreme weather event can do for myself Present Yes, and especially the smallest flood events With the loss of material, ideal and irreplaceable cultural values ​​are associated with continued damage to life and limb. It is even more important to learn the right lessons. For broad conclusion from this particular event it is Very earlyMore detailed data and analysis are needed to better understand the mechanisms and factors that lead to these huge human and financial impacts of extreme events, among others. hydrological processes, questions of early warning And risk provision As well as vulnerability and land use. Only on this basis can well-established goals and work requirements for better and better future-proof development Can be obtained from municipalities and cities. This Statement must be a common discussion process To nudge Climate change carries enormous tasks, especially for municipalities and cities. It is therefore important for cities and municipalities to jointly promote the renewal of buildings and infrastructure as well as ecosystems and adapt to the dynamics of the new climate.

It’s about time, akin to climate protection, on a large scale climate adaptation program On th eway. it applies that risk management Along with extreme weather and civil defense strategic plan To further strengthen municipalities and cities. the goal should be climate protection One of the municipalities and cities. till new foundation to deliver This requires further improvement of our knowledge base, but also requires the cooperation of all actors, including politics and federal and state authorities, private companies, associations and individual people on site.

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the following are required Presented Theory, on which the renewal of cities and communities should be oriented for their climate protection To increase. The principles proposed here are well established in the professional community. Many of the demands had already been made public after the great floods in the Rhine in 1993 and 1995, or the devastating floods in 2002 and 2013. The purpose of this statement is to reiterate their importance. principles go beyond community and city limits, as much as measures Although in city ​​work, but on the other local or federal level And implemented need to become. The principles are intended to help cities and communities make climate security a greater priority. However, solutions should always be developed in the relevant context. The challenges in the low mountain ranges differ from those in the lowlands with its many smaller river catchments. Whereas some principlesn immediately settled and implemented immediately (such as early warning and civil defense) are Other Only Long Term Viable (rebuilding the infrastructure, increasing the storage capacity of the landscape). However, the following applies: the foundation for long-term change processes must also be laid immediately.

Now is the time to act.

1. Improving Early Warning System and Strengthening Civil Defense:

forecast of flood waves To to increase more reliable create warning system. In addition to developing strong prediction model is the establishment of a permanent and reliable Communications It is necessary to have representatives of cities and municipalities as well as local citizens. Only a warning that people understand and trust will lead to desired actions.

2. Increase Sponge Capacity and Storage Capacity:

in addition to installed security solution Like dykes, walls and poulders, communities, cities and landscapes are more important. How sponge to conceive and water retention To improve the scenario. Every cubic meter of water that is not discharged through sewer systems into rivers and streams contributes to leveling of flood waves, but cannot stop them, as was the case with the events of 2021. Therefore it is important that water retention And this storage capacity floodplains, forest and agricultural landscapes, but also in more densely populated areas additional green and open spaces To increase. Especially for excessive rainfall, additional storage space and green infrastructure should be designed so that they can also be prepared as emergency waterways in case of emergency. A high storage capacity for water helps not only in floods, but also in dry times.

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3. Implement Climate Assessment of Critical Infrastructure:

in reconstruction, the reconstruction after disasters and the construction of new public infrastructure and buildings – especially the so-called critical infrastructure It is important to anticipate the consequences of climate change and update rating values ​​accordingly. it also includes the idea of cascade effect through interruption of supply services infrastructure system Feather. Infrastructure (supply of water, electricity, etc.), the backbone of our modern society, must be designed in such a way that they work even in extreme weather conditions or they work accordingly. fallback option the permission. It is unacceptable when essential communication networks, medical services and facilities fail during a crisis because they are not adequately prepared for such extreme events.

4. Promoting Climate Security in Buildings:

In the case of reconstruction, new construction or renovation of existing structures, the following applies: climate protection From buildings Think from the beginning and raise the standard of safety, especially with facilities that accommodate particularly vulnerable groups such as children, senior citizens or people with disabilities. Similar to energy-efficient renewables, it requires financial aid and incentives Simultaneous installation provision-oriented insurance premium. Appropriate information about heavy rain or flood hazards should also be systematically provided and requested for construction applications and property sales. Attempting to address future challenges in existing buildings in an appellate or reactive manner will not suffice.

5. Equally essential is the willingness to shape and assert oneself as cooperation and solidarity:

conversion required willingness to innovate and create On the simultaneous use of cities, municipalities, investors and private individuals funding and incentives on behalf of the federal government or the federal states. Firm planning tools as well as consistent and standardized frameworks and processes are required. In addition, the benefits and burdens of renewal should be expected Climate-Safe Cities and Communities To share in solidarity. To give just one example: municipalities that create more space for water in the upper reaches of rivers will benefit indirectly from this; Municipalities in low-lying areas, however, immediately reduce the risk of flooding.

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Detailed description can be found here


Professor Dr. Christian Kuhlike (UFZ), Prof. Dr. Christian Albert (Ruhr University Bochum), Prof. Dr. Daniel Bachchan (Magdeburg-Stendhal University of Applied Sciences), Prof. Dr. Jorn Birkman (University of Stuttgart), Prof. Dr. Dietrich Borchard (UFZ), Prof. Dr. Alexander Fekete (Cologne University of Applied Sciences), Prof. Dr. Stephen Grewing (TU Dortmund), Prof. Dr. Thomas Hartmann (TU Dortmund), Prof. Dr. Bernd Hansjürgens (UFZ), Prof. Dr. Robert Jupner (TU Kaiserlautern), (Prof. Dr. Sigrun Kabish (UFZ), Prof. Dr. Kerstin Krellenberg (University of Vienna), Prof. Dr. Bruno Merz (GFZ), Prof. Dr. Roland Müller (UFZ) , Prof. Dr. Dieter Rink (UFZ), Dr. Carsten Rinke (UFZ), Prof. Dr. Holger Schuttrumpf (RWTH Aachen), Prof. Dr. Reimund Schwarz (UFZ), Prof. Dr. Georg Teusch (UFZ), Prof. Dr. Annegret Thicken (UNI Potsdam), Dr. Maximilian Uberheim (UFZ), Prof. Dr. Martin Voss (FU Berlin) (UFZ)

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