Science: Amazing discovery in the milky way!

Science: Amazing discovery in the milky way!

Science: Astronomers make a discovery in the Milky Way – it changes our way of thinking

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Science Have gained new knowledge about Milky Way. In one study, researchers specifically investigated the topic of water on the planet.

The Milky Way belongs to our home galaxy. Is from Science Researched for many years. Now researchers have found something that was previously thought to be impossible, as reported by the portal

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The Globe Institute of the University of Copenhagen has published its study in the journal “Science Advance”. Professor Anders Johansen and his team have found that the Milky Way may have many more planets like Earth than before.

Because our planet differs from others in two main things: water and living beings. Until now, science has assumed that water only forms on planets when it was accidentally hit by a hydrodic asteroid and comet.

It has now been discovered that water was probably already present during the phase of planet formation. The study took Earth, Venus and Mars under the microscope.

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“All the results show that water was one of the basic building blocks of our planet from the beginning. Since water molecules are so common in the universe, it is likely to be fully understood that this also applies to all other Earth-like planets in the solar system. (…) Whether water can remain in liquid form on the surface of a planet is only a question of the distance of its star, ”explains Johansen.


This is the Milky Way:

  • It bears the name due to its presence, similar to milky brush strokes.
  • Up to 200,000 light years in diameter
  • Between 100 and 400 billion stars


Scientists have also found that the three planets formed about 4.5 billion years ago through the so-called accretion of tiny dust particles made of ice and carbon. They orbit all the young stars of the Milky Way.

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“By the time the Earth had grown to a percentage of its current mass, our planets grew by accumulating ice and carbon-rich pebble-sized masses,” researchers wrote in their study is less.

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“After that, the Earth grew faster and faster until it reached its current size after about five million years. In this way, the surface temperature increased considerably, causing ice ‘pebbles in the path leading to the surface. ‘Fading and eventually about 0.1 percent of our planet’s mass was made up of water, which was about 70 percent covering the Earth’s surface,’ he explains.

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Johansen also states that water molecules have been discovered around the Milky Way. This may mean that other planets were formed, such as Earth, Mars and Venus.

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“All the rocky planets in the Milky Way could have been formed from the same original building blocks. But it also means that they are all (proportionately) water and carbon in the same way as our earth. Then the number of planets that have the correct temperature of liquid water will also be much higher than other stars, ”he says according to the portal (ldi)

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