Science: Hesson is a Blackberry Country Gabot.D

Science: Hesson is a Blackberry Country Gabot.D

Citizen scientists with Senckenbergers recorded blackberry flora in Hesse and Saxony.


Published works “Ruby Hussey – Blackberry of Hesse” and “Rubus Flora of Upper Lusatia” show that it is far away. more types of this caste, earlier than done. In addition, four blackberry species were recently described in Hesse. Upper Lusatia one there so far unknown species found it.

hesseno belongs to Blackberry-richest region in Germany It appeared based on a ten-year systematic determination of the occurrence and distribution of native blackberry species. “Instead of Originally Known 62 Blackberry Species could 177 species from the rose family Proven “, explains Dr. Thomas Gregor Senckenberg Research Institute and Nature Museum Further continues in Frankfurt: “At the Senckenberg site in Upper Lusatia in Saxony, the Rubus genus was investigated with the Natural Research Society of Upper Lusatia.”

it was possible new scientific results However, in both federal states, only through a collaboration between Senckenberg and the citizen scientists Werner Jansen and Friedrich Wilhelm Sander. Werner Jansen has been working with plants since his youth – among other things, he has already mapped blackberry flora in Thuringia and Saxony-Anhalt. He also supported recordings in Upper Lusatia by Friedrich Wilhelm Sander; those Both used their network of local ‘hobby botanists'”, says Gregor, who co-authored the 574-page book “Ruby Hussey – The Blackberry of Hesse”.

In hesseno Were Mapping 177 Blackberry Species Among them there are four so far unknown Rubus cuspidatoides, Rubus leucrosus, Rubus obtrulatus and Rubus centicops in the state. In addition to the named species, the monograph also introduces 25 “clans” whose territory is too small for description or whose research has not yet been completed. as an explanation for extraordinary biodiversity The authors cite the diversity of Hessian natural regions, as well as the state’s location in the transition zone of a predominantly continental climate from the Atlantic to southern and eastern Germany.

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i am german part Upper Lusatia tells lies total number 93. Blackberry species detected in – most of which (77) are wild and indigenous. The occurrence of the tongue-like hazel leaf blackberry Rubus glossoides in Upper Lusatia was unknown until mapping. “Some of the recorded species, such as the crooked hazel-leaf blackberry Rubus curvesiculatus or the thick-thorned hazel-leaf blackberry Rubus hydracanthos, are endangered or even lost. For those that only exist regionally in Upper Lusatia have been proven Brombire Rubus Lignisensis ü. have sinceNo evidence for over 100 years More – therefore we must assume that this species is extinct in Germany, ”explains Friedrich Wilhelm Sander.

black mulberry considered to be a group of plants, because it reproduces asexually for the most part and without mixing genetic makeup. These species, known as “apomixis”, present many puzzles to researchers—both in terms of their evolution and competitiveness, and because of their difficult-to-distinguish characteristics in terms of taxonomic classification. So the two Senckenberg locations have also launched a joint identity portal “Bestikary – Identity-Important Clans”.

“The both publications show clearly of great importance of citizen scientist for our research! With Werner Jansen’s Blackberry Herbarium, which has been added to our Herbarium Senckenbergianum collection, we have found an additional treasure that has been created over many years and is therefore priceless,” says Gregor happily. (Senckenberg Research Institute and Nature Museum)

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