Science – Israeli with twins in two wombs – Knowledge

Science - Israeli with twins in two wombs - Knowledge

TEL AVIV (AP) — In Israel, a woman with two pregnancies gave birth to twins. Tel Aviv’s Ichilov Hospital said a baby grows in each uterus. The twins will have “met” for the first time since birth.

The woman was reportedly born with a double uterus (uterine didelphis). With this deformity there are two separate uteruses and two uterine necks. In the specific case, a uterus is also split down the middle, the clinic said.

A twin pregnancy is extremely rare under these circumstances. This particular constellation occurs with a probability of about one in a million.

not easy pregnancy

The 31-year-old woman was closely monitored during the high-risk pregnancy, and the twins were born at 35 weeks by caesarean section.

According to the clinic, the mother said she first found out about her particular medical condition when she was 20 years old. Long before pregnancy, she feared that “the baby would develop in the right, smaller uterus”. But then everything turned out differently: “During the first pregnancy test the doctor almost passed out. It took ten minutes to tell her that I had a fetus in each uterus.”

The pregnancy was accompanied by great concerns, the mother said. But: “The twins—a boy and a girl—are cute and great, and I’m sure they’ll be the best of siblings and friends, even if they’ve just met.”

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 211230-99-545832/3

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