Science: Mysterious phenomenon in space remains an enigma for researchers
Science still faces a mystery (symbol photo).
Photo: imago/westend61
Science In the vastness of space still faces a real mystery.
It’s about the mysterious space lightning, which is currently astro-Science working.
Science continues to tackle this cosmic puzzle
An example can be found in space. Scientists there managed to capture more than 500 radio flashes from space with a sky survey. But the repeating prompts now pose new puzzles. “spiegel”.
Until now it has always been by chance whether one of these lightning bolts flickered in an area of the sky that was just being targeted by a radio telescope. Radio Akash was now systematically monitored in Canada. The researchers were able to capture a total of 535 of the fast radio bursts. Now there is hope that this catalog can be used to solve the origin of this great mystery.
Science: Radio flash was first discovered in 2001
The first Radio Flash was recorded back in 2001 – but initially still went unnoticed. Scientists saw them only five years later. No one could explain the lightning bolt. Gradually, astronomers only realized that they were on the way to an unknown spectacle.
In 2014, a radio source was tracked for the first time that flashed more than once. These repetitive radio bursts are called “repeaters”. The discovery was worth gold to radio astronomers – they could now point their bowls specifically at these objects and thus study them more closely. But Radio Flash was only more perplexing!
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However, only this can be said: electrical signals must come from distant regions of space. They twinkle up to three billion light years away. To be detectable at such a distance, they would have to send out the same amount of energy within milliseconds as the Sun radiates within hours!
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This energy comes from a very small volume. The smaller the signal, the smaller the source. Meaning: A lightning bolt that lasts only milliseconds must have a core that is much smaller than Earth.
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Science: There is no explanation for the strange lightning yet.
But what could it be? There are many thoughts on this. However, according toSpiegel“First, more objects to investigate. With research conducted in Canada, new knowledge can be gained, but it is not yet possible to fully explain what these lightning bolts are.
So it remains exciting… (cf)
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