Science / Politics / Rector of the University of Halle: the state must support austerity

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24.11.2021 – 02:00

Mitteldeutsche Zeitung

Hall / MZ (OTS)

The rector of the University of Halle, Christian Tietze, has asked the state government to support the current austerity curriculum at the largest university in Saxony-Anhalt. The Mitteldeutsche Zeitung’s Tietze, published in Halle (Wednesday edition), said “politics missed a statement that, as planned in 2014, this university should be significantly reduced.” With the 2014 University Composition Plan, the state demanded savings from the university, but these have yet to be achieved. In the summer, Tietze presented a savings paper that provides for the cancellation of positions and professorships, as well as the merger of faculties. It aims to offset losses of ten to 15 million euros per year. A few days ago, the Senate of the university passed a resolution appealing to the country to increase the funding of the university. Otherwise, the number of students will have to be reduced from 20,000 to around 17,000 and 250 posts will have to be cut. “Even a small university can be a strong university,” Tietze told the newspaper. The country rejects the demand for more money. As long as a structural discussion is still underway at the university, asking for additional money falls short, a spokesman for the science ministry told the paper.

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