Science: Unbelievable people who search in the sky – that’s behind it

Science: Unbelievable people who search in the sky - that's behind it

Science: People can’t believe what they find in the sky – behind it is the richest man in the world

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Some people in America were surprised. Last night he got to see a terrible spectacle. Luckily, he was Science A clear description for the finished event.

It has the richest person in the world behind it, and more accurately it has an investment. Science.

Science: People can’t believe what they find in the sky

If you look at the sky at night, you can make a very interesting discovery. For example, some people want to see UFOs, even if science is suspect. What many people saw in the US last night was no UFO.

In form of “The image“The report states, people in the northwest of the country can see some fireballs in the dark sky. A few posts were made on the subject on Twitter.

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“What’s the trouble” was the question of a user who posted a video about it. Others were happy with the discovery and described Spektel as beautiful.

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“Have you seen? I’ve never seen anything so incredible in my life. I’ve been in awe. It happened about 10 minutes ago in Portland,” read another post with a video of the search. However, it’s not clear yet Was.

Science: The world’s richest man behind it

The answer to the question was eventually provided by a scientist. Behind it is Elon Musk – the world’s wealthiest person by trade. More precisely, his company Space X. Astronomer Jonathan McDowell said on Twitter that what he saw belonged to a group of Starlink satellites. Space X shot it in space on 4 March.

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At the time, the second stage of the Falcon 9 rocket was not lit as intended, the astronomer continues. This is why space junk was traveling in space around the Earth for 22 days before burning last night at an altitude of about 60 kilometers. So it has nothing to do with supernatural life or the like. (gb)

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