Graphics: Graphics show: Nobel laureates by country of origin and gender
byGender equality is one of the defining issues of our times. The Nobel Prize shows that science is far from it. What do Wilhelm…
Gender equality is one of the defining issues of our times. The Nobel Prize shows that science is far from it. What do Wilhelm…
Gender equality is one of the defining issues of our times. The Nobel Prize shows that science is far from it. What do Wilhelm…
Several meteor cameras recorded racing projectiles from the solar system, as explained Friday by Stuttgart constellation astronomer Hans-Ulrich Keller. Twitter and Instagram users reported…
One study showed that the amount of the stress hormone cortisol in the hair dropped by an average of 25 percent after six months…
read also ue Plnple pel VP-Vuluelpllol uuu Pnttetu tektle peu nulelpekleptlekpleu Belulanuapolupnhleu ent Peu Neku. Bep BulpekelleeO nO Peu NekuOepleluel Bleuh Peeuueoleeu vuttle vlppeu,…
Formula 1: Return early? Words leave room for speculation October 8, 2021 at 5:24 pm Formula 1: These are all the driver teams for…
Safety first – when it comes to food: from next year a certain “E” will no longer be on the ingredient list within the…
If they fail to breastfeed their babies, some women are told they are bad mothers. If you breastfeed your babies on the bus, park…
The Gundelfingen Youth Center wants to offer more for girls. The youth center in Gundelfingen is open to girls and boys. Now girls and…
In Winterthur, an additional room is required for the workplaces of school administration and social services. Team during meeting in office. (Symbol Picture) –…