Scientific Archivist (Provisional) | Max Planck Society

Scientific staff for long term collection of digital data (full time) in real form

Declaration Number: 1263

Job Offer Date 10th December, 2021

Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science e. V. (MPG) is an autonomous science organization funded by the federal and state governments. It conducts basic research in the natural sciences and humanities at more than 86 institutes and research centers in Germany and abroad.

The general administration of the Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science is looking for him archive in berlin a * n at the earliest possible date

Scientific Archivist (Provisional)
(code 113/21)

Collection of Max Planck Society berlin-dahlem The Kaiser Wilhelm/Max Planck Society is responsible for broadcasting. Until now, the legacy of its scientific members has focused mainly on analog formats, along with the backup and safe keeping of administrative documents of the society and its institutions and research facilities.

your duties will be
Your activity occurs as a delegate to the dept function and in continuation
Mainly well rehearsed work procedures. Specifically, it includes inventory responsibility for pre-existing and significant heritage of the heritage sector, including all core archival functions for acquisition (including contractual regulation), appraisal, inventory maintenance and user advice.
You will also participate in internal collection processes such as clarifying matters relating to (in-house) digitization and collection administration legislation (in consultation with contacts in the Legal Department of the Max Planck Society). In addition, you will support collection management in preparation for making collection-related decisions.

we wish you

  • Successfully completed degree in Informatics subject, comparable qualification or related experience in collection
  • Higher career qualification for archival service or relevant experience in the archives sector
  • You are interested in the history and tradition of a research organization
  • In addition, you have a very good active knowledge of spoken and written English
  • In addition, you are characterized by the ability to work independently and in a goal-oriented manner
  • A sense of responsibility with a high level of social competence and strong communication skills around your profile
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What can you expect from us

  • To obtain professional experience, an employment relationship limited to one year and, depending on qualifications and professional experience, pay group up to 14 TVOD (Federal Government) or, in the case of direct transfer from a civil servant relationship, up to a pay group 14 BBSG as well as various social benefits
  • A diverse and demanding job with lots of personal responsibility and creative freedom in a scientific environment
  • Working in a committed team characterized by a friendly working environment with flat communication hierarchies
  • Multiple job training opportunities
  • Good conditions for harmonizing personal and work life
  • A place of work in Berlin-Dahlem that is well connected to the public transport network

The Max Planck Society has set a goal of employing the more severely disabled. Applications from people with severe disabilities are explicitly encouraged.

Have we piqued your interest? Then we are waiting for your completed online application (reference number 113/21)

Application Deadline: January 16, 2022

Max Planck Society
E.V. to promote science
General Administration Munich
Department of Personnel and Personnel Law

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