Scientific staff for long term collection of digital data (full time) in real form

Scientific staff for long term collection of digital data (full time) in real form

Announcement Number: 1258

Job offer from 25 November 2021

Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science e. V. (MPG) is an autonomous science organization funded by the federal and state governments. It conducts basic research in the natural sciences and humanities at more than 86 institutes and research centers in Germany and abroad. The general administration of the Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science is looking for him archive in berlin a * n at the earliest possible date

Scientific staff for long-term collection
Real Digital Data (Full Time)


The collection of the Max Planck Society in Berlin-Dahlem is responsible for transmissions to the Kaiser Wilhelm / Max Planck Society. so far, focused
To preserve and protect the administrative documents of the Society and its institutions and research facilities as well as the heritage of its scientific members, primarily in analog formats. Activity is to be broadly expanded to include the long-term collection of digital data (“digital borne”) in real terms.

your work
Your main focus is on the development (participating network solutions) and support, maintenance and further development and acquisition, long-term preservation and use of a standards-compliant (OAIS) digital long-term archive. Various real digital archival types (such as loosely structured file archives, specialist processes, e-mail accounts, websites, etc.). you have one in the collections team too
between interface functions
Collection requirements and their technical implementation in collaboration with IT service units and service providers.

your outline
The prerequisites are:

  • A successfully completed degree in an information science subject, a comparable qualification or related experience, ideally in the archives field
  • Strong communication skills in an interdisciplinary environment at the interface between collections and IT
  • Knowledge of the current state of the art in the field of digital long-term collections
  • Knowledge of relevant security and data protection aspects
  • very good knowledge of the English language
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Benefits would be:

  • Proven experience in process and project organization (if possible in project management), preferably in IT projects
  • Higher knowledge in the areas of programming languages ​​and data structures as well as relational databases

You also have the feature of:

  • Interest in organizing digital data and information: Affinity for handling data
    for the purpose of their permanent protection under the protection
    their authenticity and integrity, accessibility and usefulness,
  • Strong motivation to always familiarize ourselves with new methods and programs for IT solutions in the collection sector,
  • organization, cooperation and
    Negotiation skills and creativity,
  • an independent, responsible way of working and the independent development of concepts and problem solutions,
  • a very clear quality awareness, reliability, a clear capacity for abstraction as well as curiosity and willingness to experiment in dealing with new technologies and a high willingness to familiarize oneself with new issues and
  • The desire to go on business trips and further training.

We offer:

  • An open-ended employment relationship and, based on qualifications and professional experience, performance-based pay up to pay group 13 TVOD (federal government), in the event of an immediate transition from a civil servant relationship to pay group A xxBBesG, as well as various social the profit,
  • a diverse and demanding job with lots of personal responsibility and creative freedom in a scientific environment,
  • Working in a committed team characterized by a friendly working environment with flat communication hierarchies,
  • Many job related training opportunities,
  • good conditions for work-life balance and
  • A place of work that is well connected to the public transport network in Berlin-Dahlem.
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The Max Planck Society has set a goal of employing the more severely disabled. Applications from people with severe disabilities are explicitly encouraged.
Any interview cost will be covered.

Have we piqued your interest? Then we are waiting for your completed online application (reference number 110/21)

Application Deadline: January 16, 2022

Max Planck Society
E.V. to promote science
General Administration Munich
Department of Personnel and Personnel Law

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