Search for missing persons in Tübingen area: 15-year-old girl escapes safely in Rotenberg

Die Polizei meldete am Montag um 15.30 Uhr, dass das vermisste 15-jährige Mädchen wohlbehalten zurückgekehrt ist.

Police said the girl appeared safe on Monday afternoon to her familiar contacts in Rotenberg.

The girl is now back in the Tübingen clinic

Meanwhile, the young man is back at a specialist clinic, from where he – as already mentioned – disappeared in Tübingen at around 8 in the morning.

Several police forces in the Tübingen and Rotenberg areas conducted a thorough search on Monday morning for a missing 15-year-old girl. The young man, who left a specialist clinic in Tübingen with an unknown destination, shortly before 8 a.m. Monday, was reportedly in a psychological state of emergency.

Intensive search with dog squadron and helicopter

In addition to emergency services from Tübingen and Rotenberg police stations, the Tübingen Criminal Investigation Department and handlers of police dogs, forces from police headquarters and a search dog and a police helicopter were also involved in the extensive search. Occasionally, a drone was also used over the city of Tübingen.

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