Epic Games has announced a special event called Operation: Sky Fire for the Fortnite Season 7 Finale. To participate, players must log in on September 12th at 10 PM. Repetition of the event should not be possible.
The current season of Fortnite is slowly coming to an end. The seventh season of the second chapter began on June 8 and should end in a week from today, on September 12. Finally, Epic Games plans a one-time event called “Operation: Sky Fire” or “Operation: Sky Fire.”
To end a spaceship invasion
Season 7 itself is about an onslaught of alien invaders ultimate reality to be named. The rescue is led by Doc Sloan, who leads an organization called the . is called imaginer order Capture. By now, the alien mothership flies to the Imaginated Order’s secret base. Before possibly being attacked, players must infiltrate the alien spaceship and end the invasion in the final event.Programs related to this in this country will start from 10 pm on 12 September. A replay will not be possible according to Epic Games. So players can log in half an hour early to ensure a smooth start. Starting at 10 p.m. you can start with 15 fellow soldiers and send the message of the Imagined Order to the aliens.
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By the start of Operation: Sky Fire, players must also work through open quests and spend the gold bars they collect – for this purpose there is a discount campaign until the end of Season 7. At the beginning of Fortnite Season 8, quests will be disabled, gold bars will be reset, and Battle Stars and alien artifacts will be released automatically.
They: epic games
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