Secretary of State welcomes members of Canada’s Formosa Club

Außenminister begrüßt kanadische Mitglieder des Formosa Clubs
EAM welcomes members of Canada’s Formosa Club – News – RTI Radio Taiwan International

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Secretary of State welcomes Canadian members of Formosa Club
Foreign Minister Joseph Wu during a Formosa Club event on May 17 this year. (Image: CNA archive image provided by the State Department)

Taipei, August 6, 2021. Taiwan’s Foreign Minister Joseph Wu (吳) has welcomed the Canada-Taiwan Parliamentary Friendship Group as a new member of the Formosa Club. The Canada–Taiwan Parliamentary Friendship Group is the first transatlantic member of the European Formosa Club with 89 Canadian MPs.

The Formosa Club was founded in 2019 by Taiwan-friendly parliamentarians in the European Parliament and the parliaments of 13 European member states. Subsequently, other local groups were established in Latin America, Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, and the Indo-Pacific. It aims to strengthen exchanges of Taiwan-friendly parliamentarians around the world.

Foreign Minister Wu expressed his gratitude for Taiwan’s support. He specifically emphasized that members of the European Parliament and European state parliaments had asked the World Health Organization (WHO) to allow Taiwan to participate in the World Health Assembly (WHA) this year. Foreign Minister Wu stressed that Taiwan would continue to work with like-minded countries to promote human rights, democracy and the rule of law.


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