Semperis’ new tool for the security community: One Druid simplifies protecting Tier 0 resources

Beitragsbild zu Neues Tool von Semperis für die Security-Community: Forest Druid vereinfacht den Schutz von Tier-0-Ressourcen

One Druid by Semperis introduces the next generation attack path management , And it’s not about attack paths …

Semperis, an Israeli-American identity security and resilience provider for Active Directory and provider of successful community tools purple knight, has released Forest Druid, a new Tier 0 attack vector detection tool for Active Directory environments. Forest Druid takes an insider approach to managing attack paths, saving time and resources by prioritizing the weakest assets. The tool detects vulnerable Tier-0 resources that would otherwise go undetected and vulnerable, and enables rapid remediation of vulnerabilities. Forest Druid is the latest of many free tools offered by Semperis. by far the most popular purple knightA hybrid Active Directory cybersecurity assessment tool used by over 10,000 organizations.

“IT security experts know that you can’t protect what you can’t see,” explains Semperis CEO Mickey Bresman. “Semperis Incident Response support is in great demand, so we know firsthand the worrying pattern of attacks exploiting unknown and vulnerable Tier 0 resources in Active Directory. Forrest Druid visualizes Tier 0 resources in AD and provides information about those entities. Floodlights any remaining connections with. This helps to substantially reduce the unnecessary permissions that are responsible for most attack paths for sensitive assets. Forest Druid’s Tier 0 detection capabilities, of compromise and attack indicators When combined with Purple Knight’s comprehensive scans, they are a very powerful tool for IT security.

In a typical enterprise Active Directory, there are countless attack vectors that an attacker can use to gain control of a domain. The problem is obvious: disproportionate permissions. However, it is impossible for IT security managers to examine every group and every user relationship. Rather than focusing on all possible attack paths, Forest Druid allows organizations to define permission perimeters to restrict risky relationships in one place—Tier-0 assets and closely related entities whose attackers are more permissive. can exploit.

“Traditional tools that analyze the most common attack paths to gain control of a domain from the outside are very useful for attackers, but not defenders,” says Ran Harrell, principal security product manager at Semperis. “Beginning with defining the perimeter of permission, the Forrest Druid’s ability to defend from the inside out, is optimal for defenders. After all, the most commonly used attack avenues are not always the most dangerous. It is Tier 0 is about effectively protecting critical assets and attacking avenues secondary to that.”

Forest Druid will initially be offered through an approved network of partners who have thoroughly tested the tool and can help companies understand the meaning of their individual results. Businesses that prefer not to work with partners can use one apply for early access Submit and the Semperis team will contact you.

For more information about Forest Druid’s Tier 0 attack path detection capabilities, see the resources below.

One Druid Website:

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