Series production of Tesla Model Y at Giga Berlin >

The site of Tesla’s Gigafactory in Grunheide, near Berlin, is now being built twice: In many places, workers were still building roads or completing the square battery building on Wednesday. At the same time, however, the Model Y was manufactured in the Gigafactory’s tall main building, as can be seen from a drone video. Observer @tobilindh timed how long one of these elapsed before the next one was taken out of the factory. It was about two and a half minutes, which would mean extrapolating up to 1000 Model Ys per week.

Gigafactory’s new Model Y is launching

with him Grünheide. before 30 days of delivery to hand over the Model Y Last week, the Tesla factory officially began operations. It had previously produced hundreds of electric cars on a trial basis, but was not allowed to sell them. But the work there has not yet ended with the regular start. While the start of production is relatively easy, Tesla CEO Elon Musk explained at a gig celebration for fans and the local population last October, the subsequent ramp-up was difficult.

After all, delays in getting final approval gave Tesla more time to prepare for this phase. And so the start of series production seems to be going smoothly. In this Wednesday video by @tobilindh, dozens of Model Ys are parked in multiple locations around the site, most in a newly paved area. In addition, several electric cars, possibly freshly produced, took off from the Gigafactory under drone observation, which then flew out of the picture through busy construction sites and logistical traffic.

A total of three black Model Ys can be seen one after the other exiting the factory through an exit in the middle of the long east side (see one of them in the red circle in the photo above). The time-lapse video doesn’t show how much time elapses between them, but @tobilindh nailed it: it took about 2 minutes 30 seconds for one Tesla to come after the other. Extended to eight hours (apparently only one shift is currently being worked at Grunheide) this results in 192 Model Ys per working day, i.e. about 1000 units in a five-day week.

Tesla on the way to intermediate destination

Of course, it is not clear whether this production pace can be maintained throughout the day. @tobilindh agreed that the footage would indicate that The Lines Inside the Gigafactory Building ran at the required speed, but believed that he was stopped occasionally.

In any case, 1000 Model Ys per week from Grunheide should be an interim goal Tesla has set itself. Up to 500,000 units per year are applied for and approved, which would amount to approximately 10,000 per week. During his visit last October, CEO Musk said by the end of 2022 German Gigafactory delivers at least 5000 Model Y’s per weekBut preferably closer to 10,000.

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