Servette wins the derby and overtakes Lausanne

Servette wins the derby and overtakes Lausanne

Servette – Lausanne 5: 1 – Genève-Servette Hockey Club is establishing itself as the new No.1 on Lake Geneva. The Servettants defeated Lausanne Hockey Club in the table, winning 5–1 in a face-to-face bout.

Geneva’s fifth lam was the fourth win in the Larry Derby. The match winner for the Cervet was Canadian Guillaume Esselin, a loan from Serre.

Esselin played his third National League game for Servite on Sunday. At the premiere in January against the ZSC Lions, he scored the winning goal in extra time. And last week he also scored in Geneva’s 3–0 home win over Freiburg. Esselin was successful three times against Lausanne: 1-0, 3-1 and 5-1.

With five hits in three NLA games, Esselin earned the best publicity for himself. In Canada, the 28-year-old never made it through the East Coast Hockey League. Sierre was already shining in the Slovak League at Banska Bystrica as an executor before the engagement at Asselin. Esselin will play for the Cervett again for some time – in a home game against Ambari-Ptah on Tuesday. He then returns to HC Sire for the playoffs in the Swiss League.

Cervet dominated Lausanne not only because of Esselin, but mainly because it put the defensive back in order. The Servettiens lost four of five games (including the cup) at the end of February and scored too many goals. More recently, however, it scored sovereign victories against Freiburg (3: 0) and Lausanne (5: 1) – and with individual goalkeepers (Freiburg against Descoux and Lausanne against Manzato).

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Cervet – Lausanne 5: 1 (2: 0, 0: 1, 3: 0)

0 viewers. – SR Centurig / Dipteiro, Cattanio / Gnammi. – Tor: 6. Esselin (Mercier) 1: 0. 20. (19:44) Moy 2: 0. 35. Hudon (Gennazi, Almond / Powerplatter) 2: 1. 42. Esselin (Aumark, Le Culture / Powerplatter) 3: 1. 44. Rod (Richard, Wolmin) 4: 1. 48. Esselin (Powerplatter) 5: 1. – Penalty: 5 times 2 minutes. – Postfinance top scorer: Omark; Somber.

Geneva-Cervet: Manzato; Jacquette, Wolmin; Currer, Le Culture; Mercier, Kasta; Gubi; Rod, Richard, Vermin; Miranda, Winick, Aumark; Moy, Fehr, Esselin; Berthan, Smirnovs, Voyilmoz; Petri.

Lausanne: Stephen; Genazzi, Barberio; Heldner, Frick; Grossman, Marty; Krueger, Memto; Gibbons, Malgin, Hudon; Bertsky, Emmerton, Kenins; Bojon, Almond, Douay; Krakokus, Fridaywax, Schneeberger.

Note: Gennarve-Cervet without Maurer and Tomernes (both injured).

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