Severe onset of winter in November 2022 – Winter 2022/23 . Frost, snow and ice-cold trend in

Severe onset of winter in November 2022 - Winter 2022/23 .  Frost, snow and ice-cold trend in

First, large parts of Canada are affected in the northwest of the United States. For the weekend, the associated weather system swings from the Midwest to the East Coast with the coldest air ever so far this season, where it will rapidly chill through Sunday and Monday.

The following is the forecast and forecast for the US and Canada as of November 13, 2022

As of the latest weekend, the east of the United States will also see a frosty night

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At night, when it’s clear and over snow, there’s a risk of minus double-digit temperatures—sometimes as high as -20 degrees. Also, a strong wind, which ensures that the whole thing feels more snowy at times. The first taste of winter that has washed away. Especially since sometimes heavy snow and blizzard-like conditions are expected.

Snow and the possibility of closed snowfall by the end of the week in the forecast

There is a risk of snow showers and snow drifts with frost

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This extremely cold air, often 15 to about 30 degrees below the season average, begins a very turbulent phase in the weather on the other side of the Atlantic. Even with the coming weekend and possibly even beyond the middle of the month, winter is on the way in Canada and the United States.
This can also be seen, for example, when looking at experimental long-term forecasts from the US Weather Service NOAA. Over nearly the entire northwestern part of North America, they are too cold or too cold for November 2022.

The forecast shows the temperature at an altitude of a few kilometers. The more evenly blue, that is, the colder, fields are connected, the stronger the polar cyclone, On the other hand, if larger gaps and lighter insertions are counted in the direction of the North Pole, the vortex is more unstable. In a polar vortex split, the blue regions split into two.

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