Shardrago Makes its Pokemon Go Debut in Dragon Descent • Nintendo Connect

Shardrago Makes its Pokemon Go Debut in Dragon Descent • Nintendo Connect

in the news that In December pokemon go thematically, you can already read that dragon lineage Tuesday, December 7, 2021 to Sunday, December 12, 2021. A Dragon Pokemon event inspired by the legendary Drakensteige in the Enol area! now we have Additional Information For you.

special research on season of origin continues!

What happened! a part of The mysterious door that blocks the way to the ancient cave, has been opened. The click of the unlocking mechanism startled the cave-dwelling Pokémon – and appeared with them shardgo, in one pokemon go Pokemon never seen before! With luck, you might even spot a shimmering specimen. As you know, cave pokemon is alive shardgo In the Drakensteins of the Inol region.

Along with him, other Pokémon appear that are at home in the Dragon Ladder. These include Fire, Electric, and Ice-Pokémon that may in some way have something to do with the legendary Dragon-Pokémon of the Inol region: silky, zechrome And curemo,

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pokemon go

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collector challenge

to celebrate the occasion and the beginning of shardgo A new Pokémon Collector’s Challenge will be available during the event. complete the challenge 1.000 ep, 3,000 stardust And a Encounter with Shardrago Unlocked!

Wild Pokémon, Raid Battles, and Field Research Tasks

wild pokemon count vulpix, Jurob, dratini, voltilum, sneebel, naclion, alezebass As Flampion and very few times dragoniro, vibrated As kapuno,

  • Appear in Level 1 Raid Battles zapalardine, lichtel, petznife, golbit And kapuno,
  • level 3 . are on elekteki, Magmari, Lapras, dragoran And shardgo To represent.
  • level 5 will be able to silky And zechrome Be challenged and join mega raids mega-stahlos,
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Ripple to carry out field research tasks dratini As sneebel or by luck shardgo And kapuno, All four of these can also appear as shimmering patterns! During the event you can also go 175 Pokémon One time buy special event box, three remote raid passes is included.

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