Shark attack in South Africa? Surfer gone, board washed ashore with bite marks – Foreign News

Shark attack in South Africa?  Surfer gone, board washed ashore with bite marks - Foreign News

Port Elizabeth (South Africa) – On Tuesday, he threw himself on his board into the waters of the Chintas coast of South Africa – Robert Frankenstein has not been detected since! Now the 38-year-old surfboard has washed up on the beach. It gives an idea of ​​the tragedy she feels …

Surfboard found bite marks!

Shortly after her disappearance on Tuesday morning, the East London National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI) and police launched a search off the coast of Chintas. In action: Boats, drones, dog units, foot patrols, divers and rescue helicopters!

“We appeal to all those who were in the Chinta Beach area around 11 am on Tuesday morning, if they notice anything related to this matter, we come forward, and we appeal to the public servants who are on the coast Using this clause, “Keep an eye out. Lambinon, spokesperson for the National Oceanic Rescue Institute.

Surfer Robert Franstein's trail is lost on the Pardesiacal Chinsta coast

On the Paradisiacol coast of Chintas you lose track of surfer Robert FransteinPhoto: Kai Feldhaus

What happened to the South African computer technician?

What happened to the South African computer technician?Photo: Private

The concern about Frauestein, who worked as a computer technician at a school in Chinta, is because NSRI confirmed that his bodyboard was found on the beach – which appears with shark bite marks. It is now being investigated whether the prints actually came from shark teeth.

Across from “to neglect“Craig Lambinan confirmed that the investigation had been initiated. NSRI urged surfers and swimmers to exercise extreme caution between East London and Chintas in the north, anticipating possible attacks.

NSRI said in a statement, “Although a shark incident cannot be confirmed at this time, this public warning is being issued on the assumption that the incident is related to sharks, so caution is advised. ”

Among other things, friends and family are looking for surfers with this photo

With this photo, friends and family are looking for surfers Photo: Private

In addition to extensive on-site search, Surfer’s friends and family also search for the 38-year-old through social media. On the day of his disappearance, he is said to have carried a bright yellow and pink body board with him. He himself wore a red shirt with a red shirt on it.

“At this point we don’t have more news than last night. We have an official announcement from NSRI, ”Frauenstein called fiance BILD.

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