Sharp criticism from Dagmar Berghoff, spokeswoman for “Tageschau”

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of: Matthew Kernstock

On Wednesday (December 7) Lisa Mittraker presented the ZDF program “Today – in Germany” in a pink miniskirt. No-go for “Tagschau” spokeswoman Dagmar Berghoff (79).

Mainz – Did Lisa Mittracher suspect that with her trendy outfit she would attract the wrath of “Tageschau” legend Dagmar Berghoff? Wednesday’s issue of “Today – in Germany” ZDF Now at 2 a.m. “mini skirts” ensure buzz.

Lisa Mittrucker: Modern journalist with colorful outfits on ZDF

Since 2020, Mittrücker has been a moderator “Today – in Germany” Saw on camera. The journalist previously reported as a reporter for ZDF for the magazine “ZDFheute”, including the Hamburg election in 2015.

From the outset Mittrücker chose modern, colorful costumes. For example, in early August 2021, the news anchor wore a “relatively” short summer dress. In another 2022 edition, Mittrücker wore a black leather skirt. All costumes that are contemporary.

Lisa Mittrucker in summer dresses August 13, 2021
Lisa Mittraker in a summer dress appeared in front of the ZDF cameras on August 13, 2021 at “Heute – in Deutschland”. At that time no one cared about the look. © ZDF

But about the pink miniskirt, the companion of Wednesday’s show nationwide raids Now the criticism of the former “Tagschau” spokeswoman Dagmar Berghoff began. He said on “I don’t think a short skirt or low neckline is appropriate for a news event.”

Criticism of mini skirts by Dagmar Berghoff, ZDF takes a stand, Mittrker is silent

ZDF positioned itself behind Mittrücker and supported his spokesperson: “Not so much an official dress code as an awareness that fashion is a moderator”a spokesman for ZDF told

In an interview with, Dagmar Berghoff (R) clarified:
With the mini skirt on ZDF: This outfit of Lisa Mittrücker was criticized by Dagmar Berghoff on Wednesday. © ZDF / Imago Images

Dagmar Berghoff had other needs during her time at ARD. “Everyone does as they can. I was always instructed to dress as discreetly and decently as possible.”

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This is “Today – in Germany”

Since April 25, 2020 the ZDF program is running from Monday to Friday at 2 pm on ZDF. The 15-minute show consists of breaking news and news blocks. The weather forecast is at the end of the news format.

And what does Lisa Mittrucker say about the Mini Rock Theater? The moderator does not wish to comment yet. sources used:,

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