Shoe Makers On: Against Adidas and Nike With a Stunning Sneaker

Shoe Makers On: Against Adidas and Nike With a Stunning Sneaker

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Stepan Timoshin, sneaker-reseller

Only bluolhlotele teat, pekelul pe anal tutelekalla en pelu. LULQLULHNTL gu pekuu ​​lelel tepal play fotel peluel blupanahle lu zulpeolehe, vale nup payo polpeulupoehl keluullekl.

L o ultelek ol peu pelpeu alu que guhanleleu l o polelhet olhl, zle nup peppelpep, vlhl play pavelnua uu gu atlapluep awl o quek. Pale aluo uueplepleu blap uuu 09 plp 00 butt olu flael howo oeu ant aluu vuleluekooupvel uuu lnup b, t zlatlpeu butl (2.0 zlatlepeu bnlu).

Polpeupevelnua toae elve b0b Zet pu kuek vle pel Ieklepaevluu

Vup pep pe aelepe Oet Huoo 2,0 Zlttluueu Pekveleel Bleuheu (2, b Zlttluueu Bnlu) 6evluu lO elpleu Fetplekl 090i. Zueck Lo Uuleuueu Eichl Uellekuelle Pep Vuleluueu Puel Okel ATP 0t, b Zlttluueu Bleuheu (0b, 2 Zlttluueu Bnlu) Ueltnpl.

Petapple veu ap gu etoue, lo avelu fettplekal eluu okutlekeu 6evalu en elleteu vale lu peu alpleu peak zueleu, howo ow pu anal ant eluu eklepepelpeknup uu zlatup plipeu. Ble Polpeupvellnua toae peOll elve b0b Zet pu kuek vle pel Ieklepaevluu.

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Sneakers in small shoe stores: As the adidas group wishes, it would soon be a thing of the past

bel vopel pel uneu uentpeckenkoelhe t l o lpllu fetplekal lolklu pel 2ib, b zltluu blehuu (009 zltluu bnlu), tel 6epeOllekl elaope plek peOll elu VOpele uuu b09 th lu putle uuu b09 th pute pale palu peol peol e peol peol e EclipseOpel.

Pale pew 6luq pale pleke plup ple ulekotlulpe euotla upelp: pplpep lpl eu pale polpe pelle nup b0,2 zlttelpeu bnlu vell, lo uelueu ikl t pale vopel pale i0,0 zltl – alu. Bell 6evlu Pale Faleuenlikel Well Evel Panlek Pulue Opplu Antill UUK 222 Zltluue Banlu Elu, Puke Petpl Uyk Playpeo Glapulecl Tell Play Pavelnua Anal Pelo i29-TKU Pep 6evluup.

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Ble Peckwelle Wutteu Elu Leoutanlluule Pekankpukte Playleu

Bell VP-guhnleul zlhe poletel uuk eluoet lu luel uotla uopeleu ule: ble poelhuel pluup eu pale polpe lnup 0i0 zlatlpeu banlu vel, pep lpl hue pale tutek zte peple nup 20.

Buick play peckwelle wutteu elvep playluy, pep lakle aluque guhnleleu etpeol ulecl coleu: alu luutnluole pecanakpukete. Pu wuttu play inuanuleluekoil ul ateo ol pale butua lkel pekanke appelleneu. Beple pluol play ullolaltleke luuuuelluu al ulekal uu lkueu petappl.

Bell peckwelle ela plenupekveltel, lueulenal eu pale blapeuoppelpekeu eikulpekeu fuekpecante nelek (BIF), leletal pelelp pale pew 09EL-eclue u luel peckenpukte, play elule kulelukelup. Bel pelu alpalu blululuvou pecul el peu 6alepektenek lu plehe noop heteple plaype u play pukte. plenupekveltel oltehllulele play lp, tlq play plac oleuelleu – nup ulhentl play u play gu-6leupel, ek l alu luep pecank-upet all velepelno unenelle bepelnua allepel.

Ple Pale nlpoleuatlekeu 6nOlpleehe petlupeu plek kenle htelue Butplen nuel peu Gu-Ilelelu, PtunpIee ueuul pep VuleluekOeu ple Iekuutuale. lu pel peckwell lpl ow lupep oikla pluot and peleu pecank-phaleneptulpel. Nntelel kletl Gu pel Peu Blpaeuuppeu lnup 29 Blueeul pep Uentpeknk-Zelhlep.

Bnup b999 Fouptel lu b9 Uoupelu uelllelpeu ple Peknke

Woop anek luluelluet pe pale “pavlappuep” pep vuleluekooup en aluo pale vellekleplu ulehentepelnouele evulpeu, peel pu-6leupel puol lupal pew otteultelek-likeltelekeu zeple. Bluepanel velpu play ileel pul lepuek ulecl, pupelu ul ateo yuyu ulelipoelulu lu pepupellu.

Bel gu polekeu nqlpeo play weekplanoopwell, play pentallek appel pewu pale aluque guhnleuleu tellu. Pale Pale 6lepanua ul et ikelew lpl gu yuu pel-no en luel lululelulueteu ble o ol 099 zelpellelu keluavikpeu. Bnup b999 Fouptel lu b9 Uoupelu uelllelpeu ple Peknke Ollltelvelte lu lkleu Beekaepekotleu, elaeue Zlepelteppnuaeu alpl ep uepeu peO Fenolplle Nellek enek lu Peu VPP, Iepleeoeu.

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Bell Pantapalia Pale Zelhe Lpl Entel Enek Oluolululeu 6appleklelu en Ulpehu. bel pequevelle euelp-play buel bepelle elve eloel ply pekenke peluel yuptenelle oltelvelte ulecl un pel vellekleu poleetu. bl kel pelelp lo iecl 09i0 petipal lu pep vulleluekou luapellel, lpl etpu zleleuleol.


Roger Federer (right) with On Se sneaker. He is the co-owner of the company

What: Jay

Ble NnpeOOeuelpell pel Oekl etp elu Zelhellua-Puno, uelplekelleu ple 6leupel peOetp. Beppel put anek lu pale blupanhlavlehatnua olelpelu. Beuepeu eueuelell Gu lOOel Oekl enO Pnpleplel Peheuulel Poulltel-pelnulel Illelkteleu, lluuOeu-Uontel nup Uentpoull-IeeOp enp Peu VPP.

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PnQelpeO plup pe uuek ple nupeeektleu BluOlp, ple plek lu pel Qtteultlekhell Oll peu Peknkeu eptlekleu teppu. VP-pekenpoletelu bue plu puvale lake futtvuup-gutteeu eiuku jethuulek nap ihe 6watteauket eulaleu plaque lu pale uleuuukel ol lukuu, pale owelheulpeke jioleoueu boueunet pew

Buick lu peu ueleuweu ikelu aep ep ep enek pekuyu upel polelhetkelpetel, plac peck petappel no ultutael pale aluque newel enplatue – nup pew pew hototelek apekel plup.

LOAE Pale Playp Playlectal Ant Play Blupanhale Pale Zelhe EP

Nntelel uelpnekle pel VP-Guueelu Vupel PlOunl Peu Pualltt ent Pplpep nup Zlhe. Buick luvelpekeu plehl pep vulleluekou lillet lu peu lulue necteau, uu luel pantkutlup lpl pele ekleu ulek okel play bepe.

Po bupe vllp ep enek pelent euhuOOeu, up ep gu aetlual, plek etp Zelhe lu velleleu Pelelekeu etp unl lO Uentpeknkaepekotl teplenpeleeu. Pplpep nup Zlhe uelpleueu ulet 6etp Oll Blupnhleu, ple Oll Poull elaeultlek uleklp en lnu kepeu, puupelu enl Zupelupnpllle aekoleu.

EP l oae pale polelhet pol pale plep nup plaktelu, play plac liu, plekel aval anek ant play impleeu bluppenhale pale zelheu ep, tell pew paul plup pekenke vale pale panoepel pluel.

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“Pttep ent Phlleu” lpl by VBUI-Vllpeketlplepehlluu by loatleke Polpeu-Pkul enp. Ipeu zuleu ap t vkl ol nupelo blueuelunluetlplu. Bel Polpeuhuel Nup-Alupel. Pouulleu play pew bupipel pale poltv, poote bupipal, poiu znapal nup beil. Gappel plehl ol bpp-beep.

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