Showjumper Ducer wins tournament in Canada

Showjumper Ducer wins tournament in Canada

“This is a historic Grand Prix,” said Dusser after his success with the mare Killer Queen. Winning the Spruce Meadows Grand Prix is ​​”a great feeling”. About his horse, the 41-year-old says: » He made three great rounds without a clear round and she will definitely have a big, big dinner and some carrots and feast tonight!«

innocent in jumping

Dusser prevailed with the only clear round of jump-offs. Swiss Steve Guerdat came in second, who, after two laps without penalty points, conceded a downing in the deciding lap with Venard. Third was Gilles Thomas of Belgium with Aretino.

Show jumping Grand Slams include Spruce Meadows, ‘s-Hertogenbosch, Aachen and Geneva. Whoever wins three of these tournaments in a row will receive a bonus of one million euros. If it’s two in a row, that’s half a million.

As the winner of the Aachen Grand Prix, Gerrit Nieberg had a chance to win an additional 500,000 euros at Spruce Meadows, but ultimately only finished fifth. The 29-year-old from Sandenhorst is the son of former world-class rider Lars Nieberg and is surprised by his success at CHIO in July.

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