Sicily: Harrison Ford and the Lost Credit Card – Panorama

Sicily: Harrison Ford and the Lost Credit Card - Panorama

Simon Milewski, 28, a Stuttgart business economist and employee of Deutsche Bahn, made an interesting discovery during his vacation in Sicily.

SZ: Mister Milewski, what did you find?

Simon Milewski: I was in Mondello, north of Palermo and went to the beach in the afternoon. Then I saw a piece of plastic lying in the sand and picked it up. It was a credit card named Harrison Ford.

so so.

At first I thought to myself: Somebody is called like that by chance. Or is it a fake card. Whatever the case, it quickly became clear to me that I had to hand over the card to the police.

very right!

I also found it interesting to see such an Italian police station from inside. So I checked the internet and found that the nearest police station was very close.

And after that, are you back on the beach?

Yes. But after half an hour I was fermenting. Then I entered “Harrison Ford” on my mobile phone and found out: He’s actually in Sicily right now and making a new “Indiana Jones” movie.

Raiders of the Lost Ark, Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones, 1981.  Paramount/Courtesy Everett Collection Paramount/Courtesy

Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones in the 1981 film “Raiders of the Lost Ark”.

(Photo: Paramount/Imago Images/Everett Collection)

Do you like “Indiana Jones”?

When I finally had my own television in my room as a teenager in the Ruhr area, I often watched Harrison Ford movies. on private television.

With a commercial break?

Yes. There were no streaming services then.

Commercial breaks are terrible. How did it go with the credit card?

Well, I did some more research on my cell phone and found an Italian article only two hours old which explicitly stated that Mr. Ford was seen on the beach in Mondello. So I went straight to the police and told them I wanted to introduce myself to Mr. Ford. The police told me where to find him.

And where did you find him?

He was sitting with his family on the first floor of a fish restaurant. He had the whole room. His team and the bodyguards on the first floor were very nice and they let me go.

Mr Milewski, you actually work in Deutsche Bahn as a recruiter for train drivers. Which celebrities have you met in your life?

Once I was pushed by Sigmar Gabriel at the main train station. And once I took a selfie with Lutz van der Horst from the ZDF “Today Show”.

Good. But Harrison Ford is…

… yes, it’s something completely different!

What was Mr. Ford’s reaction when you stood in front of him?

He asked, “Why didn’t you run out of my credit card?”

You would never do that, would you?

No. if I If I had lost my credit card, I would Even that Happy when someone gives it to them.

right now. Fortunately, Mr. Ford did not hit you on a plane, as he did during an emergency landing on a golf course in California.

Yes, he’s not the youngest anymore. I’m still waiting for the new “Indiana Jones”. Another action film at the age of 79…

Clint Eastwood is 91 years old and has just shot horses.

Yes, very sporty!

Hopefully Eastwood had nothing to do with the shoot. Did you really get the Finder’s reward from Mr. Ford?

Someone took a picture of him and me, that was the reward of the discoverer, so to speak. I later posted the photo on various channels. Many people thought it was great.

And nothing else?

Well, if they would offer me a small supporting role in the new film, it would definitely be a dream.

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