“Simple Mode” and “Health” make everyday life easier

"Simple Mode" and "Health" make everyday life easier

smart fone

“Simple Mode” and “Health” make everyday life easier

Of "simple mode" Helps to keep track of smartphone.

The “Simple Mode” on the smartphone helps to keep track.

Photo: DPA

The font is too small, the response too fast: Smartphones tend to overwhelm older people, especially. With a few tricks, the cell phone turns from an enemy into a friend—and even into a fitness trainer.

Hamburg. Sometimes less is more: Samsung smartphones offer some practical simplifications as part of “Simple Mode.” The trade magazine “Computer Build” (issue 11/2022) indicates this. To do this, first open the settings of the smartphone and click on “Display”. Then select the item “Simple Mode” and activate it.

Now, for example, under “Touch/Hold Delay” you can choose how long to tap an icon before it reacts. This can be useful: A long delay forgives inadvertent touches and unplanned opening of apps. If you also want it for the keyboard, you’ll have to set it up separately. This can be done in the settings under “Interaction and Dexterity” and “Tap Duration” and “Ignore Repeated Touches”.

The “High-contrast keyboard” tab in the “Simple Mode” menu also promises fewer hassles when using it. There various color settings and contrast can be selected. This makes it easier to see the keys. All icons and text can be made larger and easier to read under “Settings”, “Display” and “Font size and style”.

The iPhone provides another additional function that is helpful in everyday life: activate the “Fitness Log” under “Settings”, “Privacy Policy”, “Exercise & Fitness”. From now on, the iPhone records all the steps and provides you with statistics in the “Health” app. So users know exactly how far they have already progressed.

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