Tuesday evening was musical again on Vox: “Sing My Song” this time featuring the songs of metal star Flor Jensen (41), on stage. The “Nightwish” singer can look forward to a huge worldwide fan community — and a particularly bizarre fan gift…
Clouseau becomes a rocker
She is Dutch, lives in Sweden and sings in a Finnish band: Flor Jansson’s story deeply influenced the “Sing in the Song” stars. Pop star Clouseau (42) excited: “Flor Jensen is a legend!”
Composer Elif (29) had great respect for the upcoming challenge of Flor’s reinterpretation of a title: “She’s the best singer here and always makes us sing on the wall.”
Singer Elif performing floor songPhoto: RTL / Marcus Hartrich
After singer and songwriter Lotte (26) inspired the group with her version of “Noise”, Clouseau grabbed the microphone and warned: “But I also have to apologize. I’ve always wanted to rock. And I Heard ‘Sleeping Sun’ and immediately started writing. I’m sorry it doesn’t have much to do with the original raga.”
And indeed: “Sleeping Sun” was hardly recognizable, with Clouseau turning it into a German rock number. But Flor didn’t mind, she jumped up and danced with enthusiasm: “That was a brand new song. Now we have Rock Clouso. And your voice!”
Clouseau became the rocker that night – the rest liked it Photo: RTL / Marcus Hartrich
SDP’s Dag-Alexis Koplin (38) even claimed: “You’re a grunge guy, man. Clouseau Cobain, Kurt Clouseau, I don’t know… I saw you in such a rehearsal room in 1990 with long hair.” with, badly tinted golden, looked a bit tangled.”
Researcher names Beatles after Flore
Johannes Ording (40) worked on the song “Why Love is Dead”, which Flor had recorded with his musical project “Northward”. However, Aelif had an important question in mind: “How many times has someone got a tattoo done on you?”
Flor revealed that many fans already put the Nightwish band logo on their bodies – however, one fan had a very special way of showing their appreciation for Flor.
To this end, Ording introduced a short quiz to the group: “What was Flor Jansson named after? Was it an A type of tulip, B a city in Finland, or C an insect?” Lott joked: “I would love D, the dance floor too”. But Dag was already convinced: “I am for the insect. A researcher may have discovered a new insect and be a big Flor Jensen fan.”
And right – Ording explained: “There is a species of beetle called Temesisternus florjanseni.” Flor explained how this fan gift came about: “We have a big Nightwish fan. He’s a biologist, he found a new species of beetle in New Guinea and didn’t have a name yet.”
At the end of the evening, Flor presented Protea to the band SDP for “Song of the Evening”—not for solving the insect puzzle, but for their interpretation of “Amaranth”. The two also gave a German version and floored it with: “Wow. Too bad. Incredible. I’m so attached.”
The next episode will bring Johannes Ording’s songs on stage next Tuesday.
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