Smoking outside also puts children at risk

Smoking outside also puts children at risk

Even though the number of smokers is declining significantly and many people avoid smoking indoors, pollutants remain. Whether in breath, clothing or hair: Smokers carry toxic particles and are therefore a risk to their fellow humans. Especially children can suffer from this.

Most of the people know that smoking is injurious to health. Those who nevertheless decide to use tobacco are in most cases prudent enough to carry out this activity.

Be careful even after smoking

But many people don’t necessarily believe: passive smoking and the toxins that remain after smoking are still harmful. noisy Children whose organs are still growing are more prone to the following diseases when they come from families who smoke passively:

  • a middle ear infection,
  • cough and phlegm, shortness of breath, wheezing,
  • pneumonia, bronchitis and other diseases of the lower respiratory tract,
  • Asthma (very likely related)

danger of third hand smoke

that German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) Distinguishes between mainstream smoke (smoke directly inhaled while smoking) and sidestream smoke (produced when a cigarette is smoked).

The smoke emitted by both types contains the same pollutants. Sidestream smoke contains some toxins that are ten times higher and stick to skin, hair and clothing—so-called third-hand smoke.

The risk is of course especially high for young children, as they like to be near their parents and require physical closeness.

Measures that contribute to children’s health include:

  • Avoid smoking in confined spaces (the car), even with the window open
  • Keep windows and doors closed when smoking outside
  • wear extra clothing for smoking outside, such as a jacket or hat that can be removed before going inside,
  • Start smoking cessation.
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More on the topic:

I Smoking: This Cigarette Is Particularly Dangerous To Health

I Kovid-19: More youth have started smoking in lockdown

I Addiction psychologist reveals: This tip is the best way to stop smoking

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